8,660 Deloreandude Comments

  • (Closed) Bi-Plane challenge 8.4 years ago

    so, when does this challenge expire?

  • Cadillac Eldorado(1959) 8.4 years ago

    Man, I love the old 1950s style cars! This model looks great, especially the front!

  • THE ULTIMATE MEME CHALLENGE!!!!! closed 8.4 years ago

    I have a question, What will be graded on? Dankness?

  • THE ULTIMATE MEME CHALLENGE!!!!! closed 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus Someone has finally done it......This is a great day. Probably wont be able to upload anything until Sunday, but i will try to work on something. :D

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @1gman4evr yep that's basically what's happening now

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus really? Is it still on here?

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus okay lol, im glad we can have a civilized discussion about politics, its rare that you can have those especially in such a competitive election as this one.

  • KALININ K-7 The Russian Flying Fortresses 8.4 years ago

    I wondered the other day...

    has anyone made that crazy plane from the picture?

    The answer: yes and it is glorious

  • -!- TEASER -!- 8.4 years ago

    ERMAHGERHD A PER SERKSTEH WAN! LOL just kidding, looks awesome though, I love the Black Widow in both spider and aircraft form! :D

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus I know, it may be a rarity, but we've come so far with restricting one of our amendments to only having so much, having a ban on semi-auto full mag rifles will cause an uprising. It actually is written in the Koran that the people who aren't in your religion are dirt beneath your feet, its not just an expression taught by the houses of worship. Some christian churches are corrupt and find it as a way to preach the leader of the flock's own ways and ideas believing that he could be a leader of a new religious or political movement. Also, I agree Hillary isnt a communist that is just something said by people who usually need an excuse to say she's a bad candidate. Now, she does want to implement some socialist ideas and we really already have enough of that in the United Sates and usually socialism fails miserably.

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus I know not all Syrians are bad, but the fact is it's a complete risk. Have you studied the religion of the Muslim people, the truth is they have good values, they truly do. They are required to help the poor in their religion and do some good. However, the Koran speaks that everyone who is not a part of the Muslim religion, is dirt beneath their feet (anyone outside the flock). They come from parts of the world where you are required to be in thier religion and places where they have very few rights. As I said, crime is abundant in both Mexico and the Middle-East and therefore can affect the citizens of the nation in many ways. Until the crime in these nations and the education and government is restored, we shouldn't let these people in without the correct papers and documentation that they are safe. The AR-15 is necessary in some situations and the fact is that banning high capacity magazines is one of the last steps to an organized revolution. After this election there probably will be a revolution anyway, either way it goes.

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus by let some in, do you mean the people of Mexico or Syria? As I said, The Syrian Refugees can be a great risk for more crime and a possibility of our nation being destroyed from the inside. The Mexican Immigrants are much less of a risk, however they all should enter with papers. Also, the five rounds max thing only would really work with a few things. For one, Home Invasion can cause anxiety in the defender. Imagine he has a five round magazine for a bolt action rifle, he would have about a 4 second reload time and a lot can happen within those few seconds, especially if there are more people trying to get inside the house. An AR-15 with only 5 rounds wont do much good because often the defender is anxious and often miss a few shots, and that will take about a 5-10 second reload time. The 20 round magazine may seem ridiculous, but it can work in a lot of different scenarios. As I said, the whole 2nd amendment thing is what can keep our enemies in disguise away (Russia, China, Vietnam). Also, did you hear what happened in the news? Putin said if Hillary is elected there is war, I suggest you build a Fallout Shelter and buy a few guns immediately. Especially since Russia has a larger nuclear arsenal than any country in the world. He seems crazy enough to push the button, though there probably be some fighting and a revolution in Russia before the end of this. This is the sign of the end or World War 3. The same thing happened in World War 2, Germany called the people of the homeland back before the war began. If only we helped Russia after the cold war... Well, at least I dont live in a large target for nuclear war, this has a possibility to end the world as we know it after all.

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus I don't know about the refugees, it really does seem too risky we could allot some land for them somewhere else as we did with the French and Jewish refugees in WW2. Also by rifles I meant semi automatic rifles like the AR. A lot of people call them assault rifles by mistake, but an assault rifle has select fire which requires a lot of money to acquire a licence for. Also, I'm against Mexican illegal immigrants because they are uneducated and often can cause crime. A lot of people believe that you is racist, however it is true. Gangs are so bad that neighborhood s are run by drug runners and politicians from Mexico have admitted that the cartels run the government! Though they can be read as "cheap efficient labor" by those who run companies, they should only be let in if they have the correct papers. I think we should strengthen our walls, but not to the Berlin Wall standards people exaggerate it to.

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus I agree. The gay marriage law was long overdue. However, our 2nd amendment rights are necessary, even if it may be for a rifle. A pistol normally shoots compact 9mm rounds which have proven to be short range. Don't get me wrong, that's okay when it comes to home invasion, but there's a strong possibility of foreign invasion and that's one of the reasons we've kept countries like Russia and China away. The 2nd amendment rights of our country need processing so we don't get any mentally unstable individuals armed with an assault rifle. Though it may seem very cliché of me to say this but guns don't kill people, people kill people.we definitely need to strengthen our gun laws, but not to the point of our country only having the military having heavy weaponry. When that happens, it's a recipe for disaster, having a free country and having only sales of pistols to civilians can be terrible. If a revolution happens, then your basically garunteeing a win from the government and a totally different society. Oh, and one more thing I don't like about Hillary is the fact that she is for letting immigrants from Syria into America. It may cost lives, but it will be worth it. Many of the people of the middle East come from povertous countries where dangerous groups ravage the countries and re educate the people. In fact, this seems to be the modern day red scare. In southern asia, communist regime s would massacre cities and kill all of the teachers and political VIPs to secure the re education of the people. We may have to keep out the refugees because of near to the same thing. We did it in WW2 for the japanese and Chinese people because they were suspected to be spies. 4 years after the day of infamy the allied powers had one. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and even though it may be called racist and horrible, keeping people from the middle East out may be necessary to secure the future to be great for the United States of America

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @1gman4evr that doesn't mean he's a communist....

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus yeah but, she seems shady. I'm all about having a woman as a president, but she seems....dark and suspicious. The mysterious deaths of people who have supposedly crossed her, the agent who wrote a book about how they truly acted. And the worst of all is how it seems to be part of a plan. I've noticed over the past few years the amount of "domestic espionage" the government seems to be using, and how it is kind of a gradual take-away plan. It may sound slightly odd but did you ever notice how Barrack Obama approved the marriage of homosexual individuals without the complete approval of all of the state governments? I was shocked when I started to see sort of the same thing in this election. Not the whole approval thing, but how things seem to be state controlled. It seems that some people within the government may be funding media to support Hillary in place of Trump, giving wrong statistics, and much more. Hillary would like to strip away most if not all 2nd amendment rights, and im all for non-violence, but the fact is we live in a world where peace must be achieved through victory. It seems like there is some sort of secretive organization trying to sway the American government into a land controlled by the state, un-noticed by the people. And that's why I wouldn't vote for her is the fact that she just seems like another step in this system to remove most of the rights of our people to make our country become a totalitarian like state.

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus Both the cantidates just seem....really really bad. This is probably the worst election name-calling since Hamilton vs Jefferson in the late 1700s. I can see your point on the psychopath thing, he does seem like someone who may give away our country for money, he is a businessman after all so he may think of diplomacy the same as he thinks business. At least he's against NAFTA, I just want our country to be a slight sense of what it used to be and withdraw production companies from China, Mexico, and other countries.

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Deloreandude gman failed, i mean

  • Last week... 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus I agree, we dont need to drag politics into simpleplanes. However, I'am also a Trump supporter and you kind of failed on that one XD

  • (Closed) Bi-Plane challenge 8.4 years ago

    @Supercraft888 well, technically i guess you could call it a bi-plane, i've already uploaded a model but i guess i could do a variant for this challenge. Thank you for the response! :D

  • Martin B26 Marauder 8.4 years ago

    Wow, really nice looking aircraft! :D

  • (Closed) Bi-Plane challenge 8.4 years ago

    Do wright flyer type aircraft count?

  • Hughes H1 Racer 8.4 years ago

    Looks Great! However, there still are a few slightly off features. The aircraft you constructed has a great look to it, the wings arent blocky like the stock ones in the game, so that's great! The real H-1 had slightly longer landing gear and a just slightly longer body. The tail was also slightly larger. Preformance-wise, this meets the speed the real thing achieved, which is awesome! Fantastic job on this aicraft overall, It looks and preforms great. It's rare to see an H-1 on the site, and its great when you can find one that can fly well and this is one of those aircraft! :D

  • Le Pamplemouse Embue 8.4 years ago

    Congratulations! You came in 2nd place in the challenge! This aircraft has an interesting backstory as well as great battle performance and good detail! As I said in the challenge, half of the competitors upvotes would go to you, so i shall tag them in. @Pacman126 @Sarpanitu

  • The Abomination 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus it's maneuver ability and speed don't mix the best with the small size. The aircraft can sometimes be too maneuver able and get into a stalls soon as it does a few rolls. But, that's the only downside of it, the ability of it is marvelous!

  • The Abomination 8.4 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus still, it fits the dogfighting needs of the challenge, in that way it reminds me of the german Adder

  • futurama planet express ship VIP 3 8.4 years ago

    THIS IS AMAZING!!! I've tried SO MUCH to make this in the past! Once you get it to fly, please tell me because this looks great!!!! :D

  • The Abomination 8.4 years ago

    Well, im gonna lose XD

  • XF-129 StarHawk 8.4 years ago

    @KevinWhiteCloud I agree, that would look good

  • MIG-21 VietNam Remastered 8.4 years ago

    Wow! I love this camouflage! :D

  • CHALLENGE!!! Steam Birds! 8.4 years ago

    @MrSharp just upload it anyway, im sure someway someone can make it work. What is it doing that makes it unstable?

  • This is scary... 8.4 years ago

    It's going to escape from your computer and take over the world XD

  • CHALLENGE!!! Steam Birds! 8.4 years ago

    @MrSharp make sure to get your entry in soon! the contest ends in 3 days!

  • KI - 3 8.4 years ago

    looks much like the real thing, but needs more color, more brightness to make it look neater! other than that, this looks great! :D

  • Jundroo is going to be at PixelPop Festival in St. Louis, Missouri next weekend. Come see us! 8.4 years ago

    @Luxray102 yes please! But only with stock parts no XML allowed

  • F-127 Bad Karma 8.4 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Thanks! It's based off of something i actually saw one night XD. I have another version on my account that is more accurate. It was really interesting to see, i just hope people arent hunting me down as we speak...

  • Atari 2600 8.4 years ago

    It looks okay as of now, you should add working controllers and maybe even a TV! it needs more detail as well

  • Wadsworth 8.4 years ago

    I've tried and failed so many times to create this, but you dear sir have succeed! Well done!

  • Haryott the XII 8.4 years ago

    @jlewisifer @Pacman126 glad I have some people still in the contest, one guy dropped out because of a low score D:

  • Bristol Early 1900s 8.4 years ago

    @MrTaco lol

  • Simple Football 8.4 years ago

    @WhiteWing good good..... :D. also, i have a better idea that may be easier!!!! :D

    Atari Breakout!!!!!! :D

  • Bristol Early 1900s 8.4 years ago

    @MrTaco yeah, i wish there were propeller buffers for machine guns in this game, if you want a non-nose gun model, click on the predecessor :D

  • SHWOOOPY 8.4 years ago

    gotta admit....it doesnt fly well, but it is very schwoopy as the title promised XD

  • Simple Football 8.4 years ago

    @WhiteWing hmmm....pong? :D

  • Simple Football 8.4 years ago

    dude...This is awesome....the potential to make a pinball machine....Please make a working pinball machine!!! :D

  • Haryott the XII 8.4 years ago

    @Deloreandude lol, sorry my game glitched out and made two responses XD

  • Haryott the XII 8.4 years ago

    Great! Now as for the challenge, you will be graded on a matter of things...
    Looks: The detail is pretty good! Love the wood strapped onto the engine :D. Also, very unique design.
    Backstory: interesting, but short, backstory, Great!
    Preformance: okay preformance, needs to be leveled out in the front, then it would preform well (maybe add extra weight in the front because it's a little too much power for the amount of weight on the aircraft)
    Overall: 7/10 great job! We'll see how you did against the others on October 7th! :D