@Colonel1J2R3Wolf viva la carga alar xd. Yo quiero estudiar eso, me faltan 4 años para tecnico aeronautico, despues quiero seguir eso. Como es la carrera?
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf Me encanto, es grande, pero maniobrable, me sorprendio. Me imagino que sabes el secreto de como hacer buenos aviones, no?
No te preocupes, era por eso del lag, pero no molesta
@iDrakeZz That was a good name too xd
@pk41382 ???
@CoBros2 do we have to send you the video?
@CoBros2 do we have to land?
@Irobert55 Jjajajaja, thanks!!!
@Texasfam04 hahahahahahah, his weak point is the long distance, if you use a fast airplane with a lot of guns, you will have destroyed it
I have a lot of them xd
@Texasfam04 nop, it is based on my f90s line
@Maximis Thanks!!!
Can you make flaps and slats, if i pull vtol the lift will increase.
And can you make any type of radar for the game?
@ThePrototype its a sucessor :v
You can increase the maneuverability lowering the Wing loading
Good airplane
@Texasfam04 Thannks!!
@TMach5 Yep
@TMach5 He sent me the link xd
@hopotumon ???
@hopotumon https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/do3wCB/Dogfight-Challenge-Entry
@Texasfam04 Yep, i want to do the next challenge with that
@IzzyIA Thanks, np
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Woun2e/XF90F-Unstable-Tornado (Upvote and spotlight)
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/4i8VPF/F90F-Tornado-Ultra-KS (Upvote and spotlight)
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/DCx867/P0-1-Raton-escandaloso (Upvote and spotlight)
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/OpJ7EZ/A90-Tornado-Gunship (Upvote)
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/u4Up1j/F34 (Upvote)
Thanks @IzzyIA!!!!
Im rendering the video
@diegoavion84 yeiiii
@T8flightcrafts <3
@IzzyIA Yeii Thanks!!
@IzzyIA Thanks!!!
@ForeverPie :v
@ForeverPie My new entry
@Viralgardengnome @ShooterDaBomb good
@Jerushah Thanks!!
@Maximis Im going to use those in the next challenges
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf "jet"
You can search in the weapon tag, there are a lot of modded guns, better than those mods
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf viva la carga alar xd. Yo quiero estudiar eso, me faltan 4 años para tecnico aeronautico, despues quiero seguir eso. Como es la carrera?
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf por??
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf Me encanto, es grande, pero maniobrable, me sorprendio. Me imagino que sabes el secreto de como hacer buenos aviones, no?
No te preocupes, era por eso del lag, pero no molesta
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf There is no problem
@Jacobdaniel there is no problem
@Jacobdaniel The limit was for the lag
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf Aca nos referimos a eso que es suave, es facil, comodo
This airplanes, sorry, im going to use my idiom, este avion es una mantequita para volar
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf Thanks
This mod lag my pc, can you use another guns?