13.5k DethFromAbove Comments

  • VTOL T-90 Verti-Invader 8.6 years ago

    Very awesome and original design!

  • Orca - JAWS 8.6 years ago

    @CaesiciusPlanes thank you!!!
    @TheRicks2 thanks!!!

  • Mark XLIV Veronica 8.6 years ago

    @KingDeadShot thanks man! I have an Iron Man I created more recently that I think is much better. But thanks dude I appreciate the upvote!

  • XR-51 (Vtol) 8.6 years ago

    Slick one dude!

  • Let's see some awesome STOL landings 8.7 years ago

    Sweet dude! That was an awesome landing!

  • F-35B Lightning II (Lockheed Martin) 8.7 years ago

    Just was playing with this some more.... Freakin epic dude! I've been a huge fan of your builds and they have only been getting better! So much detail and the shapes are always spot on. Lookin forward to the f-22!

  • Something that saddens me 8.7 years ago

    @General360 not at all my friend. I don't think that cooper is doing anything wrong either, he's playing by the rules and is not out there trying to hurt anyone. I simply think that perhaps a limit for builds one can have on the front page should be established. That way there can be more of a variety of players on being noticed on the SP homepage.

  • Something that saddens me 8.7 years ago

    @Johndfg exactly.. I just know some users put a lot more than a few hours into a build and it can be a real bummer if you post it on a day where the newest list seems to grow exponentially with... Garbage. I try to seek out those planes that don't seem to be noticed. I get that they are just meaningless points. But to someone who enjoys building and sharing it means you aren't getting to do the sharing part. And that's what this site is all about.

  • Something that saddens me 8.7 years ago

    @Johndfg and anyone else listening I also thought that anyone should be allowed to get a feature. Obviously continue to favor the bronze and silver because they will have the hardest time being noticed. But I think pretty regularly there are some very amazing builds that get unnoticed (4 maybe 5 upvotes) and carried away by the flood of posted planes. So occasionally I think a 5000+ player should be allowed to be featured at the Mods/Devs discretion. Perhaps with a 24hr feature limit, just to give it a chance to be seen.... Maybe I'm making things overly complicated now... Idk just an idea

  • Something that saddens me 8.7 years ago

    @Johndfg I was just discussing this with another user. I think that could be a great remedy. Players who are able to lock down the front page with 5,6,7+ planes on a regular basis do limit the exposure of other creations that deserve a little spotlight. And it doesn't mean those people who fill the front page on a daily basis are doing anything wrong. I don't want to seem like I'm trying to criticize anyone here. They are great builders. I just think if they have that kind of following their creations will all still be noticed even if they don't make it to the front page. I like the idea of a 3 plane limit on the front page. Seems very fair and would add a little more variety.

  • Defense UAV-03 8.7 years ago

    Damn this has got some horsepower! Nice job as always!! You have a hell of an imagination friend!!

  • Ironman - Hulkbuster 8.7 years ago

    Wow thanks @PINK!!!! I really appreciate the upvotes and you taking the time look at my builds!!

  • Bluetooth Keyboard with IOS? 8.7 years ago

    I had the same problem on my IPad as well and I know of another user in the same boat. Spent the money on a Bluetooth keyboard and had zero luck with SP.


  • Need XML black magic 8.7 years ago

    @BeryllCorp thanks for the feedback! I was afraid of that :( Oh well...

  • Ironman - Hulkbuster 8.7 years ago

    Thanks man @TheLatentImage! I feel like it's a lot better than my last.

  • Simpleplanes is dying 8.7 years ago

    @Falloutplayr I was sorry that you took my comment so personally but your insult proves that I shouldn't be. Have a swell day.

  • Simpleplanes is dying 8.7 years ago

    I agree with @Johndfg give the devs a freakin break. The idea that SP is "dying" is absurd, especially coming from a profile that's been around 4 months. I can't say I've been around since the beginning but I started shortly after this game became available. Back when the highest rated users had 2000 points. Silver was a big deal and clipping parts was black magic. And 2000 points was a lot back then because 10 or 15 upvotes was a lot. There were literally a handful of people trading upvotes and commenting on each others builds. And they weren't even upvotes. They were ratings-- 1-5 stars. You think the community is bad now? The rules of today weren't in place. 1 star ratings and mean reviews were abundant. This was back before Moderators had been established and people had to defend themselves or band together to fend off the negative players. All I can say is SP has been growing from the moment I started playing. A year ago I could name the 10-20 active profiles. Forget about it these days. There's so many great builders posting lately and new ones every day. People from all over the world. I've seen regular updates - which include numerous new parts, islands, game modes, AI capabilities, better graphics as well as many changes to the website itself. I've also seen friends go from just players to Devs and Mods. When I started there were 3 Devs and 0 Mods. You couldn't build boats. You couldn't build cars/trucks... Just simple planes. The game is always expanding and with positive feedback and a healthy/constructive community it will continue to grow. @General360 makes a valid point too, you can ask a question and typically a Dev will answer... That's not something you find these days. Oh and I almost forgot the introduction of 3D printing! I mean come on... SP is better than ever.

    Just sick of the negative opinions and criticism. End rant -DFA

  • XA1 8.7 years ago

    This is really cool!

  • DRUM SOLO!- Mini game 8.7 years ago

    Freakin badder a$$ dude!!! "You can't kill the metal!! The metal will live on!!"-TD

  • F-14++ Advanced Tomcat 8.7 years ago

    this is awesome!

  • Advanced Cockpit (Glass Canopy) 8.7 years ago

    Wow dude! This is awesome!

  • Whale Shark 8.8 years ago

    This is beautiful! Nice job!

  • The Tumbler from The Dark Knight 8.8 years ago

    This thing is beautiful

  • MiG-37 "FERRET" 8.8 years ago

    Looks sweet! Will download when I get home!!

  • F-X 75 Striker 8.8 years ago

    Nice one!

  • Forklift with Obstacle stage 8.8 years ago


  • who are your top 3 favorite players? 8.8 years ago


    -- In no specific order --

    "I don't think there should be a ranking system for toughness."

  • Comanche Crawler V2 8.8 years ago

    @TheLatentImage haha gotta do the research before you buy anything on the web! Yeah durp :] didn't realize that could happen. No worries you can upvote this one if you like. I'm gonna put a link in the comments later to a working version but I'm sure it won't get much attention. Tough crowd these days lol.

  • Comanche Crawler V2 8.8 years ago

    @Nintendoman64 crap! I made the whole truck a sub to put the right cockpit on it. You have to re select the engine for the wheels after it comes out of sub assemblies and I forgot. Just select one motor for the front wheels and the other for the back. I'll repost a working version soon and put a link in the comments. Thanks for the heads up!!!

  • Comanche Crawler V2 8.8 years ago

    @DestinyAviation @baallzebub @TheRealTDawg @MrSilverWolf @jamesPLANESii @JMicah4 and @Moterkade thanks everyone!!!!

  • Kenworth W900L Flat Top 8.8 years ago

    Freakin SWEET!!!!

  • Mad Max GigaHorse 8.8 years ago

    Freaking sweet!!!!!

  • 5.0 Mustang Custom By MKI 8.8 years ago

    Damn dude the detail is blowing my mind!

  • futrue fighter 8.8 years ago

    Love the profile of this plane!

  • 6x6 Solid Axle 8.8 years ago

    Thedude22 ripped off @Wakescar's 6x6 Chassis and honestly neither of you did it any justice

  • 6X6 Chassis 8.8 years ago

    The original chassis came from @Wakescar

  • 10,400hp Comanche Crawler (4-link suspension) 8.8 years ago

    Sweet dude!!!! I've been bombing the big jumps at skycity. Soo awesome :]

  • Comanche Crawler (4-link suspension) 8.8 years ago

    Thanks @Cedy117!! Really appreciate that!!

  • Comanche Crawler (4-link suspension) 8.8 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus and @TheLatentImage thanks for looking guys!! So many sweet vehicles being posted. Hard to keep up with the detail.

  • Jeep TJ 4x4 (Re-Release) 8.8 years ago

    Awesome! This is lot of fun to drive around. Great details!

  • Comanche Crawler (4-link suspension) 8.8 years ago

    @MotorKade thanks for checking it out!

  • Comanche Crawler (4-link suspension) 8.8 years ago

    @Authros thanks!!

  • Comanche Crawler (4-link suspension) 8.8 years ago

    @ccooper @Cailean @Jettison thanks guys!

  • Truggy Bug 8.9 years ago

    @TheLatentImage thanks man! Just getting accustomed to the new parts. Loving the vehicles that are coming out, it's like a whole new game all the sudden. Downloaded the lil big rig today. Love it! First time I've actually been able to drive it around. So sweet!

  • Truggy Bug 8.9 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus thanks amigo! Love the update. Want to make something with some real articulation next. Saw the project you sent Wscar, flippin awesome!

  • Truggy Bug 8.9 years ago

    Thanks guys @KnightOfAraluen @JMicah and @Liquidfox

  • Big Rig (Over the Top) 8.9 years ago

    Seriously though... This is awesome... You can tell you spend a lot of time behind the wheel. This modeled after the rig you drive?

  • Big Rig (Over the Top) 8.9 years ago

    A War Rig would be sick!

  • Big Rig (Over the Top) 8.9 years ago

    Derp movie mix up. I was thinking "Black Dog" with Swayze and Meatloaf. I forgot all about Stallone and his arm wrestling :]