Thanks all for silver! Especially thanks to @Homersdonut @hypnotoad @JacobHardy64 (idk why did you started to rate all of my planes, but thank you anyway) @mattmck @tominator @planeguy227 and @viper28 for helping me to get started. And to some others (sorry if don't writed your nicknames)
Maybe you should create planes yourself? @AeroEngineering
As a group? @AeroEngineering
But I need to find people for it @AeroEngineering
Something like that, but everyone has their nation and the weakest leaves @AeroEngineering
Or maybe create a challenge where all need to so their nation with ships and history @AeroEngineering
Yes, but no so hard@AeroEngineering
No changes @ProKillaV12
Pretty good for first plane.
You just copied another airplane...
Maybe challenge where people need to build 3 planes of same nation, design and structure, and give history to nation.
Yes, maybe we can create challenge? Something like space nations
Looks good, but don't flying really good
But design is not really good
Good :)
I have done first plane :)@Earthbenderrwefa
Ok, thank you! @Earthbenderrwefa
Federations, or something like that :)@Earthbenderrwefa
You should paint it and upload once more, so all will see it
Best version
Really good flying, and also designed!
It is iPad correcting system @DeezDucks
Lol :D @DeezDucks
What? @DeezDucks
Sorry, I thinked I have made it :) @DeezDucks
But anyway, it is really good for start.
I can fix it if you want.
And plane will be better balanced without it.
Good for beginning. You should design. It yourself, and remove the wheel in back of plane. It is useless.
You should make it better balanced. It is unbalanced. If you want, I can help you. But anyway, it is ok.
Start from air, made it without wheel for better look.
Cool :)
I dont know why I have wrote it :D
Start from air, for better look made it without wheels.
You should update almount of blades to 6, and it will be really better.
But for beggining it is really ok :)
Studying. I don't have many free time, because I'm preparing to the exams. @Homersdonut
Thanks) @JacobHardy64
Retractable landing gear @SpiritusRaptor
It helps landing gear to be attached to fuel tank @SpiritusRaptor
Idk, tomorrow will make silver plane (or not tomorrow, if I won't have time, because tomorrow will fly back to home from Mauritius). @Homersdonut
Thanks all for silver! Especially thanks to @Homersdonut @hypnotoad @JacobHardy64 (idk why did you started to rate all of my planes, but thank you anyway) @mattmck @tominator @planeguy227 and @viper28 for helping me to get started. And to some others (sorry if don't writed your nicknames)
Thanks @planeguy227
Yes @Homersdonut
Thanks) @homersdonut