@Okay67M8 i mean if you paint it alot of people would like to download it
Because here the main design pic
Its the most important because its the one that people will saw it so if you paint it its will become more interesting
Hu again
Is the editing in rotator
You make the control is fuel or throttle+0
Did you used overload or xml editing
Sorry for annoying
Iam not good at this stuff
I didnt get it
+2Can you explan
@Putra45hri thanks bro iam glad that you like it. ;)
@Putra45hri wow
Did my descreption screenshots
Showed up??
@Putra45hri yes its soo cool
Iam not good at jets i prefer proba
Hi .. pls how to upload with screen shot
@Okay67M8 yeah cool
@Okay67M8 i mean if you paint it alot of people would like to download it
Because here the main design pic
Its the most important because its the one that people will saw it so if you paint it its will become more interesting
Paint it at least ;)
@GTAEnterprises cool thanks bro its my firsr screen shot in the descreption thanks alot
I mean how to upload screenshot on this website
In the main photo or in the description
Wow bro
Its relly hard to make somthing like this
@Ryad thanks bro 😃🎉🎊
Hi how you made the text bigger
Cool i allready build long rang mortar
But its long range bomb
It has diffrent range by trim
You mean you gave me update or upvote??
@Jacob110 cool !!
@Putra45hri :)
+1@Putra45hri thanks
@Putra45hri thanks bro
@Putra45hri ok cool
+1You can go to my profile and chek my last plane
After open my profile click on posts
if you want?
@Putra45hri i followed you too
@Putra45hri yeah why not
You are new but your design make look like experter
Do you belive that iam working in the same plane now lol
Yes bro sometimes you just need a little support to motivate you to do better@Ryad
@RuvienRepublicCitizen i mean how to make it rotate with fuel
For the fuel meter
Overload or xml??
Pls pls pls how to uploade with pic
Pls pls pls how to uploade with pic
Hu again
Is the editing in rotator
You make the control is fuel or throttle+0
Did you used overload or xml editing
Sorry for annoying
Iam not good at this stuff
@RuvienRepublicCitizen ok
Thanks a lot you are a great one in sp
B-29 with interior is puplished chick it in my posts
I used some of youe reader (control pad) in my plane
Is that ok
@RuvienRepublicCitizen yes
Its awesome but hard to control
Make it mor reallistic
And people will upvote to you
Search on google about bombers
Paint it
Please how dod you paint it like that??
Iam glad that another arab like me doing awesome thing
I recommonde you to play simplerockets 2
I am happy that someone like it
Ok I will make b29 soon
Thanks alot