Exactly... I spent a full day working on my ford Model T hotrod, and only recieved three upvotes.. It hurts to see that, because I put hard work into my build and nobody bothered taking the time give me an recognition
You need to chill man. Why would any one in their right mind start an internet war, when they can barely type fluently.. kys... Calling canada and the other commonwealth countries dogs; you're so ignorant.@3133
It does but you don't know what you're doing kiddo@pilot186
Very cool!
Go ahead, just give creds :))@Thomas243
Very cool build
Np man!
Its amazing bro, excellent job!
So, are you a big car guy??@TTHHSSSS
Thankyou man!!@TTHHSSSS
Want any cred? Its a very good design @SkullHunter29
Thank you so much man, means a lot@TTHHSSSS
Android or I phone?
Thanks man!@Tyler923
Exactly... I spent a full day working on my ford Model T hotrod, and only recieved three upvotes.. It hurts to see that, because I put hard work into my build and nobody bothered taking the time give me an recognition
Yeah, that aswell@KnightOfAraluen
Haha yeah, back then there wasn't very much car so they didnt need a huge engine@KnightOfAraluen
Haha sweet man! @BaconAircrafts
Wow thanks, didnt know that someone with bronze rank could even talk trash about my builds. You sure changed my mind on that matter.
Thanks man!@TheJohnnyMan
Yes lol@General360
Do you have britan or canada?@General360
Sick :)@General360
Its been a while man, whats good?@General360
Im to lazy :/@Nickasaurus
You need to chill man. Why would any one in their right mind start an internet war, when they can barely type fluently.. kys... Calling canada and the other commonwealth countries dogs; you're so ignorant.@3133
Thanks for the advice! How do I make the car go up a hill, and turn wihile going down without it exploading?@TheEngineer
Turn your quality up then @DIGOn27
READ DESC. Do as it tells you@DIGOn27
You were going to fast, or you didnt reqd desc.
Thankyou! I really appreciate the feedback!@Stingray
@General360 @VernalTie513 thanks guys! Do you like the roleplay that im doing rn with my new line of aircraft?
Very smoothe flyer@General360
Yes , and its amazing bro!@General360
To be honest this may be the best Cockpit ever made in the game.@ronyseptian17
K, Thanks man!@Kimo
Omg amazing bro!
Thanks guys! I appreciate the feedback@Forwind @ElLobo
May i use these solar panels?
K thanks man!!@WahrscheinlichIch
Do you mind if i use this on my newest project?
Sweet looking! Mind checking out my D Day Landing craft
Cool logo ;)
So is this an example of soft suspension?
K, thankyou!@Puredeath
Thankyou guys@WalrusAircraft @Meawk @Jolanmobil