XD Thank you very much!!!! I was check this plane’s performance while I was building this plane.About the weight , I want to keep it in the sky longer so I add way more fuel.XDGlad to hear a REAL pilot’s suggests!Btw if u want to fix the problems you can delete some fuselage fuel in the plane. @ChiChiWerx
Thank you for your upvotes!!!!;)@GendralOliverVonBismarck @KerlonceauxIndustries
+1Thank you for your upvote!!!;)@edensk
+1Thank you very much!!;)@AircraftoftheRedStar
Thank you very much!!!;)@LeonardoEngineering @Evenstsrike333
+2Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@ssenmodnar @Jerrrrrrrrry
Thank you very much!!!!XD @Trainzo
Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@nadvgia @SemedianIndustries @EternalDarkness @Empergyd
+1Thank you very much!!!;)@JolyLoly @HeavyC22
Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@PointlessWhyshouldi @BuiltBionixlnd10
Thank you very much!!!;)@yoshicraze
+1Thank you for your upvotes!!!!;)@FranzPeterSiegfried @Mostly @Mercyaircraftcorporation @Avro683Lancaster
Thank you!!!!;)@Treadmill103
Thank you very much!!;)@emanuelga
+1Thank you very much!!;)@AceOfSpade
Thank you for your upvote!!!;)@yoshicraze
+1Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@Griffinthedragon @Baldeagle086
Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@ssenmodnar @Thelegitpilot13
+1Thank you very much!!!;) I was trying to make a RQ-3’s cousin XD@JohnnyBoythePilot
+1Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@Griffinthedragon @thefalkenreich
Did you even try this cleaver?@JediWolf
Thank you for your upvote!!!;)@Mostly
+1Thank you very much!!!;)@Thelegitpilot13 @CookieCrumz @Reen1
This is trainer plane T-38, this plane is come from the same company with F-5 ;)@Generalkrayt
Thank you very much!!!;)@Treadmill103
Thank you very much!!!;)@Mercyaircraftcorporation
Thank you very much!!!;)@Texasfam04
Idk website did it, or maybe I did well this time?@FutureSkylines
Thx XD@Mustang51
+1Thank you for your upvotes!!!!;)@tylerdeveneuxmusic @JPerero @Shippy456 @Leehopard @ECLIPES
+1add ‘#’ in the front@Shippy456
Looking for more details
XD Thx!!!All of my planes are simple because I need to make them mobile friendly@Alta2809
+1Thank you very much!!!;)@WarHawk95
Thank you very much!!!;)@TheRealTDawg
Thank you very much!!!XD @schneider821
Thank you very much!!!;)@Chancey21 @TheBlueRobotProduct
+1Thank you very much!!!;)@Inuyasha8215
+1Thank you for your upvote and spotlight!!!!!;)@Armyguy1534
XD Thank you very much!!!! I was check this plane’s performance while I was building this plane.About the weight , I want to keep it in the sky longer so I add way more fuel.XDGlad to hear a REAL pilot’s suggests!Btw if u want to fix the problems you can delete some fuselage fuel in the plane. @ChiChiWerx
Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@Carbonfox1 @ForeverPie
+1XD thank you for your upvote and spotlight!!!!;)@ACEPILOT109
Thank you very much!!!;)@ssenmodnar
Thank you for your upvote and spotlight!!!;)@asteroidbook345
I just read your profile, are you Chinese?@FranzPeterSiegfried
Thank you for your upvotes!!!;)@JettStorm @nameisalreadytaken