Just a plain amazing wow! For a noob you did over the average.
You got 10/10 for maneuverability, 8/10 or stability, 5/10 for tactical abilities. Great job!
Amazing! When the bike went off the cliff at the end of the runway, it did like 15 flips and LANDED UPRIGHT!! But it exploded, but that doesn't matter! :)
Your welcome! Also, I've been thinking, maybe we should make a joint acount. If you don't know already, it's an account for two people to use. Rely with a good username for it. @Nickasaurusrex
Mind boggling amount of speed! Even at 40% percent throttle it disappeared into the abis! Truly a work of engineering (if only we could do this in real life).
Which mod? @Nickasaurus
That happened to me before. BTW, I have some planes that I built that aren't posted. @Nickasaurus
I noticed you are on the top charts. Well done. @Nickasaurus
You know school and stuff
I know. @Nickasaurus
Nothing. BTW, missed me?
@nickasaurus did you miss me! Can you check out my new airplane?
This blows my mind of how awesome it is!! I'll give 9/10... no 10/10 for stability, 9/10 for maneuverability, and 7/10 for tactical abilities.
It can't fly but it can be a very intuitive car. How about I give you 3/10 for stability, 5/10 for maneuverability, and 4/10 for tactical abilities.
Just a plain amazing wow! For a noob you did over the average. You got 10/10 for maneuverability, 8/10 or stability, 5/10 for tactical abilities. Great job!
Got it @Daboogieman
Challenge accepted 😎 @nickasaurusrex
Welcome, to simpleplanes! I wish you all of luck! @boss7789
Thx @Tuffnut
I also follow you and I will include you on my next airplane. @AdvancedTechIndustries
Flies great, looks cool, and it's fast! This should get 50 stars!
Thx @nickasaurusrex
I know @nickasaurusrex
Quick as lightning
@unknownvectors @kingdeadshot @kevpilot @PlanesOfOld @Hypnotoad
Btw, turn on high physics
How is Ted. Is he a bit run-over?
Amazing! When the bike went off the cliff at the end of the runway, it did like 15 flips and LANDED UPRIGHT!! But it exploded, but that doesn't matter! :)
Congrats Nick on the gold
Thx @nickasaurusrex
10,000 feet!!! I'm totally in!!!
I'm in
You're welcome! @Nickasaurusrex
Thx @tuffnut and @Nickasaurusrex
I am ready, I downloaded my egg saver. @Nickasaurusrex
Does the cockpit has to be on the egg saving device? @Nickasaurusrex
I like the idea
I did already, it is AMAZING!
I sure did! @Nickasaurusrex
If you want to do it, do it! It's your own awesome idea.
Thx @Nickasaurusrex
But still, we can always only post four planes a a day. The whole point is to combine our forces to make amazing planes! @Nickasaurusrex
What five plane limit? @Nickasaurusrex
Your welcome! Also, I've been thinking, maybe we should make a joint acount. If you don't know already, it's an account for two people to use. Rely with a good username for it. @Nickasaurusrex
I thought it would glitch my game and it suprisingly didn't! And it handles like the most tiniest plane. You should be in 1st place.
I will@Tuffnut
You're truly welcome! @Nickasaurusrex
Amazing! @Nickasaurusrex
Mind boggling amount of speed! Even at 40% percent throttle it disappeared into the abis! Truly a work of engineering (if only we could do this in real life).