12.5k Flash0of0green Comments

  • Medieval Catapult 4.3 years ago

    it's a trebuchet but OK.

  • Mecha- Trapezoid Knight 4.4 years ago

    there years... Wow that travel time though.

  • CVN JS Miku (First 1,000 part build) 4.4 years ago

    cant read any of the screen cap's you got there.... so small.JPG

  • Traditional Chinese Food - Moon Cakes 4.5 years ago

    @LucasNicky there ant any where i live. which is funny cause its quite ethnically diverse where i live.

  • Traditional Chinese Food - Moon Cakes 4.5 years ago

    I've heard of them though i don't know what there made of or how they taste. i know they are the basses for fortune cookies.

  • PAA M1A1 SRM 4.5 years ago

    S U P P E R D A R K P I C T U R E.

  • Among Us - Military Pilot (Green) 4.5 years ago

    we've found the imposter boys.

  • Project 28819 ''Knyaz Igor'' 4.5 years ago

    @Empergyd if you were to swap the colors around on it, it would look like the Flag of Scotland.

  • Project 28819 ''Knyaz Igor'' 4.5 years ago

    @ Empergyd what flag is that?

  • I swear to god this landing gear set-up is going to be the end of me 4.5 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 good to know happy you found help.

  • I swear to god this landing gear set-up is going to be the end of me 4.5 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 did you check if the collisions was off on the parts. block colliders just tell the program that there is a object where the another wishes to be.

  • I swear to god this landing gear set-up is going to be the end of me 4.5 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 did you check and see if the block colliders mirrored with the broken landing gear?

  • GR-MX 00 Legs 4.5 years ago

    @Sadboye12 is this based off a battlemech?

  • Magellan class battle ship 4.5 years ago

    same class as the radish, from Zeta Gundam.

  • XXXG-01W Wing Gundam Endless Waltz 4.6 years ago

    @Homemade1 probably going to custom pant this. don't know.

  • EX Koutetsujou - Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 4.6 years ago

    @ArcturusAerospace if it makes you fell any better this thing gets a massive gun mounted on it at a point in the anime.

  • EX Koutetsujou - Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 4.6 years ago

    @ArcturusAerospace thanks for the upvote M8 hope you have fun playing around with this thing.

  • EX Koutetsujou - Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 4.6 years ago

    Sorry it took so long to post this i did intend to get it dun and posted Aug, 06, 2020 but life got in the way of that so yha. Also yes i know there are a few inaccuracy of this build i got as close as i could based off of memory.

  • OZ-06MS (LEO) human size 4.6 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima is there a specific part of the story you didn't like?

  • OZ-06MS (LEO) human size 4.6 years ago

    never liked Gundam Wing thought the story needed more work. great build though.

  • Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress build? 4.6 years ago

    @WarshipDude if you watch anime you may have seen it in the anime its from.

  • Type 052D Destroyer PLA Navy 4.6 years ago

    @OGoneZ thanks you might want to put that in your description just saying.

  • Type 052D Destroyer PLA Navy 4.6 years ago

    @OGoneZ how much water does it displace?

  • A3 Rodentia Exarch 4.6 years ago

    Sir? whats with the sir? you a southerner? also np brov.

  • Archangel 4.7 years ago

    @ jaj70116 good effort needs more polish though. keep working on it.

  • Thomas Samsite Turret 4.7 years ago

    @LunchBox oy. see the down arrow next to the downloads counter? click that and it should allow you to edit both the name of the post and its description. keep that in mind for future reference cause it comes in real handy.

  • Thomas Samsite Turret 4.7 years ago

    @ LunchBox i have a description for you "an atrocity on the values children's TV shows" LoL (ಠ_ಠ)

  • Dicker Max 4.7 years ago

    Just what ever you do don't shout "get dicked on" when shooting down convoys.

  • ZGMF X-42S Destiny Gundam 4.7 years ago

    this (image 2) was originally a pant scheme one of my friends came up with and titled the "Dark Destiny", though his version had tow custom Dragoon funnels in stead of the cannon and sword on its back also less gray and more black but black doesn't show up well in SP so i made some changes.

  • Destiny Gundam Test Flight 4.7 years ago

    so what I'm hearing is i need to re pant it in dark semi gloss purple, semi gloss black and and semi gloss crimson... or the Dark Destiny pant scheme.

  • RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 4.7 years ago

    also i have a build suggestion for you Heavy object Baby Magnum

  • RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 4.7 years ago

    does it have any weapons other then the Vulcans?

  • SPG M203A2 Hunter 4.7 years ago

    @Noname918181 winner, winner, chicken dinner. i have previously herd it described as a suppressor that doesn't suppress. this is do to the way it functions in it's slowing down of siphoning unburnt poured.

  • SPG M203A2 Hunter 4.7 years ago

    trivia question for you. what is the name and purpose of the bulge mid way down the barrel of the 250mm cannon? @Noname918181

  • MS-05 Zaku i 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight i uploaded an unlisted version of it. it's easier doing that way than to try and explain what i did.

  • MS-05 Zaku i 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight the Recon head i made. still not happy with it also I'm not building any thing more past this point.. i don't have the time to sink into it.

  • MS-05 Zaku i 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight with the crazy way you make your builds i don't know how successful. I don't have building skills as advanced nor all that much time to expend. will still try to build a Zaku I sniper just don't hold your breath. biggest hurtles for me are going to be modifying the head so it looks like a Zaku Reconnaissance Type and making and attaching the gun.

  • MS-05 Zaku i 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight I'm vary tempted to try and make this into a Zaku I sniper.

  • Teaser 4.7 years ago

    @c144538707 Nope. Before the Zabi family took over the nation of Zeon's flag looked something like this. side note the nation of Zeon wasn't called that before the takeover it was originally called Munzo and was one colony. Zeon zum deikun was assassinated and the Zabi took power. then they declared their independence and split off from the earth then calling them selves Zeon taking control of meany other space colony's.

  • Teaser 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight going to put this on mine

  • Zaku Walking Test 4.7 years ago

    them jiggle physics though. X'D

  • KG-7 Areion Space Loadout ver. 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight Thats cool wit me, it is a Zudah after all. :-) if you wanted you could probably make it a collaboration build... would passably save you some time to. :-0

  • KG-7 Areion Space Loadout ver. 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight I know your busy. but might you consider making a EMS-10 Zudah or any of its variants?

  • RTX-440 Ground Assault Type Guntank(Transformable ) 4.7 years ago

    @IronKnight its cool to see Ground Assault Type Guntank for once every user that i am aware of has only made either the mass produced Guntank from Gundam the organ or the V protect Guntank. I've always liked the ground Assault Guntank kinda wish it was in 8Th MS team though i just fell like it would fit well in that setting.

  • KG-7(starlight's Works)Ver.orange 4.7 years ago

    @QQ10293847 yha. another that likes to to re color Starlight's builds... "welcome to the family brother" lol.

  • RGM-79HC GM GUARD CUSTOM (fixed) 4.7 years ago

    so its more or less a RGM-79 Guard custom.

  • KG-7 Areion Space Loadout ver. 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight KG-7 custom pant Hear - side view i based the colors off the Gouf custom from the 08th ms team. i was originally going to go johnny ridden colors but decided that the Gouf's dark blue color seem was a better base

  • KG-7 Areion Space Loadout ver. 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight when i get the time to play around with I'm custom panting one. i will link a pic. when i do.

  • KG-7 Areion Space Loadout Ver. 4.8 years ago

    love it.