The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.
In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.
The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
So basically, i believe that when a countermeasure dispenser hits the water and it is firing countermeasures as it hits the water, the dispenser might turn into an infinite firing dispenser with full automatic capability, meaning if you hold V it will keep firing.
@YourWife how would a 1030 do anything on PCIe 1.0 16x?
@KingOog000 15*
make that 9.
Mobile friendly = No yellow button. @CaptainRex123
+1let me fix this for you!
how long your account has been around does not correspond with how long you've played the game, nor how much skill do you have.
+1@NexusGaming m o r t i s
now build me an rtx 3090 core i9 11th gen desktop
i made this to annoy all of you high quality pc users
Hey, atleast i tried.
@realSavageMan so you DON'T know what POGGERS means?
so where's that PD unit at? @Ash007
@MyMessage u got 11/1000
if i could spotlight you right now...
+2i love it :>
@SemedianIndustries i've seen a 27000 part build before.
@SemedianIndustries do you have a
*27,000 part build?
is @Kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneth tamable?
he has a saddle so im guessing yes
this is gonna run like a bag of doritos with a battery in it on my laptop.
32nd upvote pog.
pog, lots of plats
@TheRealJBerry Awwh, thanks.
It isn't very much, nothing compared to the people like the front page.
@TheRealJBerry haha, thanks.
i threw this together like 3 months ago when i made the Carpantyre.
what kind of SSD is it?
+1No, thank you for hosting this amazing challenge.
+1@Embo i consent to you upvoting
i reached 1000 poggg
@TheRealJBerry i have a VAN as well.
@TheRealJBerry oh!
i have a truck version if you're interested.
@TheRealJBerry Thank you!
it does flip often, but i have no idea how to fix that sadly.
+1@Ash007 i wanna see what you come up with
@Ash007 i said we could each make one tho
we call this a headless warthog over in japan
@Kangy it was easy
+1all i had to do was type
@Kangy here let me write you a better one
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.
In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.
The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
+1Sorry for the lag, i'm on chromebook!
So basically, i believe that when a countermeasure dispenser hits the water and it is firing countermeasures as it hits the water, the dispenser might turn into an infinite firing dispenser with full automatic capability, meaning if you hold V it will keep firing.