After all, Einstien once said that the economic anarchy of capitalism is the true source of evil. He may be going a bit far, but I can tell what he means@MAHADI
I think that one of reasons that many people don't help others is money. People have more money and generally think that they are better that helping anyone else, only themselves. Without money, no one would have a reason to starve or not help others, and everyone would be needed to help others.
it's not just people that are privileged that are Muslim that don't help people. But I'm not willing to dive into the whole wealth thing@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation
I'm glad that there are people willing to still publicly express their religion, as many people now think that all Muslims are bad, but I personally know that they are good people. For crying out loud, half my family is from Syria, UAE, etc.
Best bf4 tank
Give credit to original please
This is epic
Cool paint job!
Yes, but we still help others because we know that without people like us there might be no people at all, at least in the kindness sense@MAHADI
It does@FrankieB
Me neither, I mean I don't have a lot of money so idk lol@FrankieB
And not fight due to petty reasons like race or religion.@MAHADI
Thanks! @Mahadi
After all, Einstien once said that the economic anarchy of capitalism is the true source of evil. He may be going a bit far, but I can tell what he means@MAHADI
If you want you can try my simple sukhoi I posted, now I can't guarantee an upvote in return, I'll have to see the finished paint job.
I think that one of reasons that many people don't help others is money. People have more money and generally think that they are better that helping anyone else, only themselves. Without money, no one would have a reason to starve or not help others, and everyone would be needed to help others.
Sounds exciting@GluonicGaming
it's not just people that are privileged that are Muslim that don't help people. But I'm not willing to dive into the whole wealth thing@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation
I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but this build is amazing!
Thanks! I build to please!@Gmanndo1000
Thanks! @Gmanndo1000
I'm glad that there are people willing to still publicly express their religion, as many people now think that all Muslims are bad, but I personally know that they are good people. For crying out loud, half my family is from Syria, UAE, etc.
A fun idea is make a rover and have the challenge be whoever can make a plane to carry it@bspboy
I don't know man, we might get some extra points for it being a successor though lol@bspboy
I think this is more that just a propaganda weapon.... Great design!
It's a worthy competitor I have to say!@bspboy
Thanks! @Ephwurd
There also is no statement of that in the rules page@ForeverPie @MikuKat
They've been upvoting a lot lately@DisferGoatz
Thanks! @Rugpeersdude
Thanks! @EarthSpaceDefense
@AndrewGarrison Thank You and all the others who upvoted my gunship!!
Thanks! @JackAlpha26
Thanks! @Elicushman
Thanks! @AviownCorp
Thanks @AviownCorp
Perfect @ForeverPie
Wait seriously?@ForeverPie
Lol we should tag every mod@ForeverPie
So I guess let's just hope for the best@ForeverPie
He upvoted it@ForeverPie
Can he make feature?@ForeverPie
Although I did tag @Squirrel earlier@ForeverPie