How about drive able wheels, so you don't have to stick an annoying engine on plus it would make taxiing much easier and driving a thousand times better!!
It's a 99.999 % chance it's a prank and .0001 chance it's real,a terrorist won't go after an unpopular school they'll go after something like D.C school and they wouldn't tell anyone plus most likely they would do something not on a date like today instead on something like 9/11@Flightsonic
Hey what did you say to me on that other guys post I didn't get to see it was taken down was that ur doing!?@Skua
It's when you have an unread notification so you have 1 NEW but it also tells you that you have an unread one as well
Haha!! It's not bad!!!@Warbrine
I know it's REALLY BAD!!@Warbrine
It's pathetic @General360
๐๐ป Rick roll alert!! ๐จ๐จ๐๐๐๐๐ซโ ๐ฃ๐๐โโ๐กโ๐ก๐ก๐ก
@Skua I feel like this is an alternate account
Haha!! Thanks I think?@GAWP
Test Dummy@TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie
Haha I don't do that!@Supercraft888
No a wheel that doesn't need an engine@HellFireKoder
I do I do hate that
When WHAT!!
Haha sweet!@TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie
How about drive able wheels, so you don't have to stick an annoying engine on plus it would make taxiing much easier and driving a thousand times better!!
Someone really wants their "lootcrate"!!
Umm no people try to get out of the country to try to join but that's it@Flightsonic
It's still astronomical odds@Flightsonic
It's a 99.999 % chance it's a prank and .0001 chance it's real,a terrorist won't go after an unpopular school they'll go after something like D.C school and they wouldn't tell anyone plus most likely they would do something not on a date like today instead on something like 9/11@Flightsonic
I'm almost to Gold as well !!!!
PRANK!!!!! You got Swatted!!!! (Look it up)
Can u give me a link
I'll try it@Baldovino
No I wasn't I was just trying to help him !@Skua
Whatttttttt???? For mobile!?!?@Flightsonic
Wait when's the update?!?
Take some inspiration from This
Idk what you are talking about whatsoever @SimpleTechAndResearch
Huh the props?! Why it gives speed and it doesn't explode?!@SimpleTechAndResearch
Yep it goes about 740 through the hole thing!@SimpleTechAndResearch
Nope there all stock engines!!@SimpleTechAndResearch
Look at the predecessor I did put it in!!@SimpleTechAndResearch
Just all of the wings anything that can generate lift make flat bottom @Flightsonic
What I would never do that !!!!@Garuda1ITalisman
K sweet!!@MrSilverWolf
Oh oh oh make all your wings flat bottom even the stabilizers
It's funny that no ones even downloaded it!!
I hate the cooldown
Actually big control surfaces are worse you need to find the balance point look at my X-31B for inspiration @Flightsonic@General360