How can you get it off the ground.
@HotDogMan I can't get it because amazon won't support beta.
I <3 Portal!
I still want beta....
@Exumer because they are awesome.
@WaterAirLandNight wow. 😥😰
Wow. That actually made my horrible paranoia worse. Thanks a lot.
@nickasaurusrex yw
I made one but this is better.
@Exumer k thx
I couldn't take off, but beautiful!
Thanks! (I feel stupid XD)
@Nickasaurusrex thx
@nickasaurusrex 😁
@nickasaurusrex yeah. I asked on Reddit when it was going to come out, and Andrew said this month.
@nickasaurusrex lol wish I had one!😀
Wish I had Beta...
What's wrong with the picture?
I want beta...
You need to have Beta.
COOL!!!! Wish I could get computer....
Lol love the go kill something part XD
Way cooler than mine!
Looks awesome even though not finished! Great job!
@nickasaurusrex I haven't tried it yet.
@nickasaurusrex good morning to you too :)
@nickasaurusrex k thx
How do you mod?
@Delphinus thanks! I'll try that!
WOW!!!!! IM GONNA USE THIS!!!!! :):)
This looks like the thing TheOldColonel used in his video
@Stingray yw :)
I almost had to puke, so it was dizzying
@maverickvii it was awesome ::
@hypnotoad thx
@nickasaurusrex k bye :(
How can you get it off the ground.
@HotDogMan I can't get it because amazon won't support beta.
I <3 Portal!
I still want beta....
@Exumer because they are awesome.
@WaterAirLandNight wow. 😥😰
Wow. That actually made my horrible paranoia worse. Thanks a lot.
@nickasaurusrex yw
I made one but this is better.
@Exumer k thx
I couldn't take off, but beautiful!
Thanks! (I feel stupid XD)
@Nickasaurusrex thx
@nickasaurusrex 😁
@nickasaurusrex yeah. I asked on Reddit when it was going to come out, and Andrew said this month.
@nickasaurusrex lol wish I had one!😀
Wish I had Beta...
What's wrong with the picture?
I want beta...
You need to have Beta.
COOL!!!! Wish I could get computer....
Lol love the go kill something part XD
Way cooler than mine!
@nickasaurusrex yw
Looks awesome even though not finished! Great job!
@nickasaurusrex I haven't tried it yet.
@nickasaurusrex good morning to you too :)
@nickasaurusrex k thx
@nickasaurusrex k thx
How do you mod?
@Delphinus thanks! I'll try that!
WOW!!!!! IM GONNA USE THIS!!!!! :):)
This looks like the thing TheOldColonel used in his video
@Stingray yw :)
I almost had to puke, so it was dizzying
@maverickvii it was awesome ::
@hypnotoad thx
@hypnotoad thx
@hypnotoad thx
@hypnotoad thx
@hypnotoad thx
@hypnotoad thx
@hypnotoad thx
@hypnotoad thx
@nickasaurusrex k bye :(