@QuantumDynamics1 you can make many succesors as you want before the deadline but only one of them will be considered as your entry I recommend to choose the best one
@Jim1the1Squid roleplay moderators are different to website moderators you can hire rp moderators but don't choose the website moderatirs or you'll get a strike for "disturbing them"
Ok this is what I think , roleplay with real country is not good point because everybody will want to have his country on the same map, did you know how many users with different nationality we will have ? Plus people will hate each other due to "the capitalist side and the communist side"
For me roleplay will be quite interesting if we have only 4 nations
Republic of Wright (Wright territory)
Federal State of snowstone (Snowstone territory)
United Yeager (Yeager Territory)
Democratic State of Maywar (Maywar Territory)
And in this roleplay we only choose factiin instead of create one which is spammy
@AxHellino only if you surrender now thrust me people will probablbly upload stuff the 27 august simply because the are patient to make the job done well you have less luck to win by building a 3 days jet than taking 2 weeks to make one
You should post different weapon configuration, post the primary weapon configuration public and the other configurations unlisted and give the link of other weapon configuration in the description of your main entryEx: stealthy air-to-air(main configuration);stealthy air-to-ground; unstealthy air-to-air;recon and so on.....(others configurations)
You should post different weapon configuration, post the primary weapon configuration public and the other configurations unlisted and give the link of other weapon configuration in the description of your main entryEx: stealthy air-to-air(main configuration);stealthy air-to-ground; unstealthy air-to-air;recon and so on.....(others configurations)
It's not fulfilling the rules bro the parts count is actually 36 but it should be between 150 and 500 make another entry before the deadline or it will not be considered
@spefyjerbf thanks
Btw I like your design too much of originality
Hi @spefyjerbf wan to see this ?
@QuantumDynamics1 you can make many succesors as you want before the deadline but only one of them will be considered as your entry I recommend to choose the best one
@CRJ900Pilot I simply can't my phone can't handle more than that
@Jim1the1Squid roleplay moderators are different to website moderators you can hire rp moderators but don't choose the website moderatirs or you'll get a strike for "disturbing them"
And me ? And where is Eternaldarkness and Mod ? And Squirrel ?
@Jim1the1Squid Also don't call the moderator for roleplay or you risk to get a strike
@Jim1the1Squid Krakabloa is actually the repiblic of wright
Ok this is what I think , roleplay with real country is not good point because everybody will want to have his country on the same map, did you know how many users with different nationality we will have ? Plus people will hate each other due to "the capitalist side and the communist side"
For me roleplay will be quite interesting if we have only 4 nations
Republic of Wright (Wright territory)
Federal State of snowstone (Snowstone territory)
United Yeager (Yeager Territory)
Democratic State of Maywar (Maywar Territory)
And in this roleplay we only choose factiin instead of create one which is spammy
@QuantumDynamics1 What do you mean ?
@EngineerOtaku weapons applied in the post
@methirasoysa123 I can not see it is it unlisted ?
how we put link in description:
[Name of your build](link of your build)
* putting a pic in desciption
![](link of your pic)
Where is the other weapon configuration ?
@Noname918181 ok link updated but still the other weapon configuration still not here
@AxHellino K
@Thelegitpilot13 a very good plane with more than 15 upvotes has at least 200 parts so don't be lazy
@AxHellino only if you surrender now thrust me people will probablbly upload stuff the 27 august simply because the are patient to make the job done well you have less luck to win by building a 3 days jet than taking 2 weeks to make one
@Noname918181 not everyone but most of them
I still don't know why I don't get an upvote from a moderator
Henlo the happ shibe of universe is here
@Thelegitpilot13 i'm not sure the true et test will only happen at the deadline
@Tessemi yes I forget to make a rule about mod so you can do it but not more than 2 for the love of my potat phone
Tag me when you will make another entry
God will forgive you, you assume your sin 😂
@Thelegitpilot13 ok good
@AxHellino so do it or your entry is not valid
@Thelegitpilot13 ah ok
1st download this post
2nd build your plane inthe downloaded post
3rd upload it
People didn't except that this challenge will be so difficult
So yeah you will have points for your realism
@methirasoysa123 yes
Give a name to your aircraft
@Thelegitpilot13 just make a succesor of it and be sure it following the rules
@asteroidbook345 oh nice
It's not fulfilling the rules bro the parts count is actually 36 but it should be between 150 and 500 make another entry before the deadline or it will not be considered
@thefalkenreich I'm just saying that this entry is not fulfilling the rules so make a new one that fulfilling the rules and the requirements
For those who are going to participate, I will add the link of your entry in the description of this post with a pic