@IceCraftGaming so ur saying make a giant cone shaped laser that will destroy anything in its path including the plane that launched it and terrain that it hits
@Sakorsky wait how does a drone have a canopy lol and about the handling, what? Don’t start with 100% throttle when flying, if you start at 100% it will do flips, start without the after burners
How do you count engines? If four engine is stacked together with one exhaust does that count as one engine or four engines? Do after burners count as engines?
U can put a thousand parts and set literally every stat it has to 0 and not lag to death but one single block can cost ur game to crash (say wing gun with a stupid amount of damage)
B o a t
+1@Ian_Yashima well the problem is I kind of use wings for flying instead of rockets
+1@Ian_Yashima how do I make a Mech both fly and walk without being bad at both things?
+1Imagine if this was called the Tombolt or Tomhog xd
+1K I’m done with car so now i steal this idea for a drone xd
+1It’s a nice concept for a drone though
+1@Dathcha xd
+1@IceCraftGaming so ur saying make a giant cone shaped laser that will destroy anything in its path including the plane that launched it and terrain that it hits
+1@IceCraftGaming that’s never gonna hit lol
+1@IceCraftGaming @SILVERPANZER :(
+1@Sm10684 E
+1@SILVERPANZER it says not valid
+1Ah yes, 10k performance cost
+1@HOPKINS234 kind of looks like it, but this is way smaller
+1Give me a very big submarine dock that can’t be attacked by air or normal war ships
+1@FirstFish83828 I’m gonna make a more detailed variant because (insert reason here)
+1@Robomo00119 ok
+1@Aarav well flares don’t really help against guardians
+1@Aarav it kind of says 260 is the max
+1@Aarav and why does this have 10000 flares
+1You can use fuelsalauge to replace the cockpit and hindge rotators to make custom control surfaces
+1@Sakorsky what’s the rating?
+1@CodenameOnager are you referring to it’s top speed?
+1Can’t download because of the mod but it looks great
+1@Sakorsky I’m talking about the handeling, what is it? Manuveribility?
+1@Aarav well it’s just that huge drag plate, it looks a bit off for me
+1@Aarav the engine xd, adding intentional drag to a plane is not the best thing to do
+1@Sakorsky wait how does a drone have a canopy lol and about the handling, what? Don’t start with 100% throttle when flying, if you start at 100% it will do flips, start without the after burners
+1@FarrowTECH HESH is just the normal explosive rounds, they literally don’t bounce
+1@Teslaiscute113 restart the game I guess
+1Don’t hold the firing button when pressing pause
+1@SPAircraftOfficial right that’s the one I saw before, I guess it’s not minus performance cost
+1@AlbertanPlaneMaker yes that is why.
+1Looks good but I don’t think any of us has the power to run this without crashing xd
+1@Sakorsky ok.
+1How do you count engines? If four engine is stacked together with one exhaust does that count as one engine or four engines? Do after burners count as engines?
+1Send some XD1 s to murder naval stuff
+1@MrVaultech Ok I will add those on A2
+1@IceCraftGaming what controls do people prefer?
+1@IceCraftGaming I don’t think tanks need interiors to be well liked in this game
+1@IceCraftGaming the only thing I am missing is an fully molded interior which I plan to make one soon
+1@IceCraftGaming I don’t think so
+1U can put a thousand parts and set literally every stat it has to 0 and not lag to death but one single block can cost ur game to crash (say wing gun with a stupid amount of damage)
+1@IceCraftGaming o
+1@IceCraftGaming well I’m trying to make a plane be able to transform into a flying robot because i see a lot of those and want to make one too
+1@Aarav yup
+1Use high health glass fuelsalauge as ERA
+1@Talon7192 ok
+1@Talon7192 without using the engine in game