I never saw anyone say anything about it :o
@i cant connect anymore, it says you have been disconected right away :(
is there any way to pay for someone to host it for you? i doubt i can with my laptop
Still having problems mate. :(
I had this same exact problem with my bomber, and fixed it by switching around the control surfaces, so that the back horizontal stabilizers controlled pitch, and the primary wings control roll
Failed to connect... :(
I never saw anyone say anything about it :o
@i cant connect anymore, it says you have been disconected right away :(
is there any way to pay for someone to host it for you? i doubt i can with my laptop
Still having problems mate. :(
I had this same exact problem with my bomber, and fixed it by switching around the control surfaces, so that the back horizontal stabilizers controlled pitch, and the primary wings control roll
Failed to connect... :(