329 HorizonsTechnologies Comments

  • Potatoaeronautics Mo-256 3.9 years ago

    Potato stronk

  • O.D.I.N. Satellite 3.9 years ago

    @GearGuy123 This looks amazing just like it was from one of my favorite CoD games, but I could use some instructions on piloting it.

  • NAPALM! proof of concept! 3.9 years ago


  • Anti-Personnel Landmine 3.9 years ago

    Holy shit

  • P-51 Discustang “P-51 Make Fun” 3.9 years ago

    Lmaooo you don’t know how good it was

  • AS-AC-10 3.9 years ago


  • antonov40 3.9 years ago

    @TheGuyYouMightKnow That airframe is cheap and thin making it easy production, so if it got destroyed it wouldn’t be a bit deal. At the time this would have been made, (WW2) it would be harder to bring heavy vehicles like tanks through enemy lines without some sort of amphibious landing, so this could be a good alternative if it was produced in large enough numbers. Also, it’s a glider, so if it had enough altitude, it could even avoid anti air fire because of how quiet it is.
    Also with the glider they could make a quick self destruct feature destroying the airframe after the release of the tank. If this doesn’t work, you could put a peachy on the glider to activate drag to land the airframe softly into the ground possibly making it recoverable to use for service again.

    And if you still don’t agree with this, well, you should look up “Russian Bias”

  • US Army Airborne Armored Division Tank 3.9 years ago

    Which way to Berlin

  • Mustang jetyfied 3.9 years ago

    Flies very well! But could you add some guns on the wings?

  • P-51 Discustang “P-51 Make Fun” 3.9 years ago

    This is my favorite plane and now it’s ruined.

  • Da Box 3.9 years ago

    @SimpleSquareManufacturer B.O.X. prop

  • Bomber Squad 3.9 years ago

    Lol worked fine on my iPhone SE 2

  • Supermarine Spirit (SBD design) 3.5 3.9 years ago

    @RamboJutter what’s the other aircraft in the photo?

  • Focke Wulf - Triebflugel 3.9 years ago

    The fuck you mean it’s fictional