170 Htsp Comments

  • Monster 5.1 years ago

    I’m gonna make it fly

  • L1 light plane 4.7 years ago

    Not bad

  • Jet pack man 4.7 years ago

    Good attempt, but it’s not very good

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    My man.👍😂😂🤣🤣🤣@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    By the way I’m gonna delete the message in which I told you my email before some spammer finds it.@Subnerdica

  • Winning Racing Aircraft 5.1 years ago

    So slow. Just looks nice

  • FA-27CM 2.0 years ago

    This is simply brilliant. Like genuinely, it’s v good

  • Best fighter Jet- Harrier 2.0 years ago

    Thank you so much man. Iv just joined this game after taking a 3 year break and to get such feedback on my first upload is rad @Thefirstfish

  • gound killer but better 4.7 years ago

    @Sbevensplanes iv built it have you seen it.

  • speed;infinity 4.7 years ago

    @Numbers yes

  • gound killer but better 4.7 years ago

    Look, I’ll work with you. I’ll build an aircraft based on this that is easier to fly. But I’ll credit you.@Sbevensplanes

  • The Millennium Falcon 4.7 years ago

    I can’t even download this cause it’s too hide for ipad@Subnerdica

  • boats enemy 4.7 years ago

    Good eh

  • gound killer but better 4.7 years ago

    Okey cool, but seriously you gotta remember that not everyone is as good a pilot as you. So if I were you I’d delete this plane and upload one which is more flyable@Sbevensplanes

  • gound killer but better 4.7 years ago

    Hey , look your idea is a good un but the plane is unflyable. Also please give me some credit

  • flying cannon 4.7 years ago

    You copied my plane

  • @Jundroo 4.7 years ago

    You got a lot a upvotes on this@Subnerdica

  • @Jundroo 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    My friend, you must understand we live worlds apart. On my end right noe it is midnight and I’m in bed with the iPad without my parents permission. So I can talk to you but can’t call you@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    I thinking we should wrk on a plane together @Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Are you online @Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    I emailed you back . Also sorry in advance for being stupid but what do the numbers in the brackets mean@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Okey. Email me@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    All done@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Plz email me. I’ll get rid of the info. If you don’t email me. I may never meet you agin@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Email me or I will never meet you again @Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Let’s have a competition between me and you @Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    I have an idea@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    I’m not amazing at names@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago


  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    The W east land wwvy@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    I don’t even know what that is@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    That sounds wrong@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    But I get your point @Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Cool how are the beaches@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Look man. I trust you not to spam me@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    We can voice/face chat@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Small problem. I got no phone. However I got a solution@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Email me@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Have you gone?@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Ah right@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    Have you researched biological warfare@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    How come anti matter is not banned@Subnerdica

  • gound killer 4.7 years ago

    The missile spews radiation?@Subnerdica