@Gg1234 Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
@Majakalona Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
How to make a stealth fuselage:
Step 1:use fuselage (not blocks or panneling)
Step 2:set it to manual
Step 3:Set it to
Step 4:rotete it 45 degrees
Step 5:enjoy
@Fiat133 has been selected! (Wait nvm i think it will crash my phone like when i download that one Y A M A T O)So, @FomahaultCoredemshau Has been selected?
@Gg1234 Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
@Majakalona Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
+6I love cooking F-22s
@overlord5453 is there other way?
@roma07 okay
How to make a stealth fuselage:
Step 1:use fuselage (not blocks or panneling)
Step 2:set it to manual
Step 3:Set it to
Step 4:rotete it 45 degrees
Step 5:enjoy
@sKyCoS why? Did he got banned or smth?
@Lestout does it need a gun?
@Lestout maybe i'll do the stealth bomber one.
Is the sorce code 4 android or what?
@JcJensonmanufacturers okay
+1Inferno? Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beeeeep swosh KABOOM!!!!
+1Malaysian 777 when?
+1@Axartar okay
@Axartar sorry,i'm already making the 6th gen plane. Maybe tommorow?
6th generation fighter? Maybe i can do that
@Fiat133 has been selected! (Wait nvm i think it will crash my phone like when i download that one Y A M A T O)So, @FomahaultCoredemshau Has been selected?
This reminds me of the plane i always destroy
+1@sKyCoS why js orangepant leading me to the simpleplanes.com home page?
@Mosquitowithagun okay
@Mosquitowithagun okay
+1When did your screenshots looks more nicer?
+2Why did you became semi-active?
+1Oh look! A direct competitor of the YF-23 Black Widow!
+2Hey,can i make a armed variant of the YF-70?
@SuperSuperTheSylph any yamato that has a high part count
+1Can you make a F-22?
+1Why does old builds looks more glossy than most of builds nowdays?
Did you just nuked the video?
Isn't YF-22 is the prototype stage of F-22?
@Notnik0foryou2 isn't plane crazy free on roblox?
@ChaseRacliot more like plane crazy in roblox
+1@KevPlayzz W I T H M O T O L O C K
The plane looks like one of those planes you would find on roblox
Who needs a space shuttle? When you have this
@MrPigee okay
I swear,i saw a su-57 jumping on the runway!
Deadline when?
@Noname918181818181818181 but this f-22 can break the laws of physics!
I can do backflips in the ground with this plane!
Why is the button yellow?
+1Did you attach something on the small plan3 to the big plane?
@ItsGigi aging exists.
@LoganAviation okay
I killed it(yes,literally by giving him free headless)
I modified the piston speed,now he got a free headless