Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
Youtube banned history,but didn't ban those stupid 18+/21+ bots on comments,they also allowed content farms that some of them are...questionable
Put this in banks and robbers will get cooked
@Majakalona okay
When did your screenshots looks more nicer?
Oh look! A direct competitor of the YF-23 Black Widow!
I modified the piston speed,now he got a free headless
"iF iT's RomAnIAn iT wOuLD'vE BeEn StOLeN"
@LowQualityRepublic i'm indonesian,how do i fix this?
Why does it say connection is not private when i click the link
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore okay!
@MosquitowithaMachineGun yea,idk how to fix it,i'm indonesian
Post.img can't work,it says your connection is not private
@MosquitowithaMachineGun ok
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore wher rimeik?
Did you know? Po-2 reversed is 2-Op.
@MosquitowithaMachineGun ik right
@MosquitowithaMachineGun ok,mention me and link the rocket if you are done
Satisfying asmr
@RizalAdiel :)
@Rb2h okay
@RizalAdiel ok
@RizalAdiel does it break?
Where is kaf-x with fixed landing gears?
@MosquitowithaMachineGun then can you make it on juno?(if you have one)?
Can you make a rocket?
Pea? More like peak
@DynamicHorizon what about the auto tag list?
Dang,this thing is unbreakable
@MosquitowithaMachineGun okay
Simpleplanes 1 first,and then switch fo Simpleplanes 2 when it comes out.
What in the Frankenstein is this? Why did you mix F-22 and F-14 together? Still a good plane tho
Ummm why is there WW2 in the tag?
How was the exam?
@SimpleCreate oka6
@MosquitowithaMachineGun why?
@MosquitowithaMachineGun if you pull up,you will slow down.
Can you all stop making 9/11 jokes? It's not funny. Making a joke OUT OF A TRAGIC EVENT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Thousands people died AND YOU MAKE A JOKE OUT OF IT!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?
+6Youtube banned history,but didn't ban those stupid 18+/21+ bots on comments,they also allowed content farms that some of them are...questionable
+3Put this in banks and robbers will get cooked
+2@Majakalona okay
+2When did your screenshots looks more nicer?
+2Oh look! A direct competitor of the YF-23 Black Widow!
+2I modified the piston speed,now he got a free headless
+1"iF iT's RomAnIAn iT wOuLD'vE BeEn StOLeN"
+1@LowQualityRepublic i'm indonesian,how do i fix this?
+1Why does it say connection is not private when i click the link
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore okay!
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun yea,idk how to fix it,i'm indonesian
+1Post.img can't work,it says your connection is not private
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun ok
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore wher rimeik?
+1Did you know? Po-2 reversed is 2-Op.
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun ik right
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore okay!
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun ok,mention me and link the rocket if you are done
+1Satisfying asmr
+1@RizalAdiel :)
+1@Rb2h okay
+1@RizalAdiel ok
+1@RizalAdiel does it break?
+1Where is kaf-x with fixed landing gears?
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun then can you make it on juno?(if you have one)?
+1Can you make a rocket?
+1Pea? More like peak
+1why is it like that?
+1@DynamicHorizon what about the auto tag list?
+1Dang,this thing is unbreakable
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun okay
+1Simpleplanes 1 first,and then switch fo Simpleplanes 2 when it comes out.
+1What in the Frankenstein is this? Why did you mix F-22 and F-14 together? Still a good plane tho
+1Ummm why is there WW2 in the tag?
+1How was the exam?
+1@SimpleCreate oka6
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun why?
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun if you pull up,you will slow down.