1,482 Ikhsantastic Comments

  • Boeing 777xx 5.7 years ago

    Oooh I see, well I must learn more from you ok? :)

  • XS-30 SlimBomber 5.6 years ago

    Im inspired from your creation YF 117 :) @Simplemike

  • YF-117 5.6 years ago

    Nice! Its silhouette almost same as F117. Keep it up!

  • F-24 Scooter 5.6 years ago

    Its inlet design looks like similiar to F-15

  • B3-Soul Long Range Strategic Bomber 5.7 years ago

    Carpet Bomber, nice!

  • F-52 Juggernaut 5.7 years ago

    OH MY GOOD! PERFECT DESIGN! btw that's not have Horizontal Stabilizers?

  • SA-37 5.7 years ago

    Futuristic concept planes?

  • CX Hawk STOL 5.7 years ago

    My phone always lag when I designed big planes, well let's see what I can do @Simplemike

  • SF-52 Night Raven E5 5.7 years ago

    What an crazy awesome design! It looks like F22-Raptor @Spectre2520

  • CX Hawk 5.7 years ago

    You want to build it like F-35? @Simplemike

  • SMQ-2 Block C 5.7 years ago

    Looks like B-1 Bomber

  • XS - 14 Eagle 5.7 years ago

    Im inspired from F - 16 to make this plane @DPSAircraftManufacturer

  • Airbus Beluga 5.7 years ago

    looks so great, keep it up!

  • Simple Widebody 3 Engine 5.7 years ago

    3 engine remembered me to DC - 10

  • Delta Strike 5.7 years ago

    Keep it up, that's goddamn good design@Simplemike

  • Delta Strike 5.7 years ago

    Futuristic aircraft, is that for civilian?

  • Delta Wing 5.7 years ago

    Hot DAMN! So cool!

  • F - 25 Eagle 4.5 years ago

    Please give me feedback after you try this aircraft, your feedback might be useful for my next creation. Thank you!

  • Armoured Personnel Carrier 5.4 years ago

    @Mmdben you can modify the guns as you like

  • HMV 5.4 years ago


  • Lockheed A-12 Oxcart 5.4 years ago

    How you make the Interior?@Simplemike

  • YF-3 Crossbow 5.6 years ago

    That's silhouette similiar to F4E Phantom

  • XS-30 SlimBomber 5.6 years ago

    @SakuraSaku Thank you!

  • XS-30 SlimBomber 5.6 years ago

    @Pilot72 Thanks!

  • 747-8X 5.6 years ago

    The best iconic aircraft in new era of jet

  • XS-25 Reaper 5.6 years ago

    Thanks! I have been uploaded my new plane, check it out!

  • XS-30 SlimBomber 5.6 years ago

    @Simplemike @pilot72 @Spectre 2520

  • YB-4 Sockeye 5.6 years ago

    When its show to public? @Simplemike

  • XS-25 Reaper 5.6 years ago

    @pilot72 @simplemike @Spectre2520

  • YB-4 Sockeye 5.6 years ago

    Is that a new generation of B2 Spirit?

  • XS-75 Raptor 5.6 years ago

    @JED thats very useful! Thanks!

  • XS-75 Raptor 5.6 years ago

    Sure, why not? Who knows if I get inspiration from your design @JED

  • XS-64 Predator 5.7 years ago

    Thanks! @Pilot72

  • XS-64 Predator 5.7 years ago

    I scale it with overload mod at size 1.3,1.3,1.3 @Simplemike

  • XS-64 Predator 5.7 years ago

    @pilot72 @Simplemike @Spectre2520

  • Clokosal 5.7 years ago

    Small planes but its Nice! Keep it up!

  • Project Credible Sport 5.7 years ago

    That's looks like in Avatar's film

  • Project Credible Sport 5.7 years ago

    Sorry, Im rarely active so I don't know when you upload your plane @Simplemike

  • Project Credible Sport 5.7 years ago

    Sorry, Im rarely active so I don't know when you upload your plane. Btw that's looks like Avatar's film @Simplemike

  • Project Credible Sport 5.7 years ago

    Sorry, Im rarely active so I don't know when you upload your plane. Btw that's looks like Avatar's film

  • Project Credible Sport 5.7 years ago

    Sorry, Im rarely active so I don't know when you upload your plane. Btw that's looks like Avatar's film

  • Project Credible Sport 5.7 years ago

    Sorry, Im rarely active so I don't know when you upload your plane. Btw that's looks like Avatar's film

  • Project Credible Sport 5.7 years ago

    Sorry, Im rarely active so I don't know when you upload your plane. Btw that's looks like Avatar's film

  • F-52 Juggernaut 5.7 years ago

    That's innovative! Is this a VTOL plane?

  • XS-35 5.7 years ago

    Yeah, its looks like MIG 29 at front gear @Simplemike

  • CX Hawk STOL 5.7 years ago

    Very Nice! You made it, keep it up

  • XS-25 5.7 years ago

    Thanks @Pilot72 but I run out of inspiration, so I don't know what I must design

  • Boeing 777xx 5.7 years ago

    That's what I mean! @Simplemike but how you can make landing gear like that?

  • SM-3x7-Blue Whale 5.7 years ago

    Great size but you must have big landing gear, use overload mod to make your landing gear looks big @Simplemike

  • SM-3x7-Blue Whale 5.7 years ago

    Are you inspired from Airbus Beluga?