Ahhhh I see and Tip: don't make spread 0 because it will be very hard and tedious to shoot down enemy aircraft but do the opposite and make it shoot faster so all you need to do is aim at the general direction of the enemy with a wall of bullets that they cannot escape from
@Snowdog ok, do you have a discord? the Bismarck is a dreadnought type german ww2 war ship. take a look at the and tell me what do you think and what can be added on your bismarck. Dreadnought
Nice, I like the Smoke!
@Oski OMG it Works, I t works!!! THANK YOU!!!!
+1@Oski OK thanks!!
+1@Oski no I want to delete the old mods that is taking up alot of storage space anddoes nothing right now
@Memelord2020 Ok!
@Memelord2020 Yes of course!
@Planeacceleration thanks for the spotlight!
@Cemo43 Thanks!
+1@Astro12 thanks for the suggestion!
@MintLynx Thanks!!
@Planeacceleration Thanks!!
Lemme try. The specifications look normal. It seems like we have a very strange problem on our hands...
+1@GottaNut yes,
@Putin2344 thanks, you can use it too, just mention me.
@Yourcrush ok
+1@GottaNut np
Nice Heli!
@Planeacceleration ok! Np
@Planeacceleration yeah!!! And also read my tip
Ahhhh I see and Tip: don't make spread 0 because it will be very hard and tedious to shoot down enemy aircraft but do the opposite and make it shoot faster so all you need to do is aim at the general direction of the enemy with a wall of bullets that they cannot escape from
@Planeacceleration thanks!
@Planeacceleration I like it,very clever! It takes off faster that way!
Wow you make great videos!
@Snowdog XD don't worry
@Planeacceleration yes
description ,nice thicc wings
@Snowdog ok.
@Snowdog company and model so I can make it so it will work on your phone too
@Snowdog oh than what is your phone? Mine is a mi9lite
@Snowdog ok btw that will be around 500 parts so are you sure? What phone or computer do you use?
@BnanaX yup my firs plane was trash, I am better at building anything else but planes
@Snowdog by the way how big do you want it?
@Snowdog ok I will start building and I will make sure it is mobile friendly
@Snowdog ok so you would make the emergency rafts and I will build most of the ship and also you build some weapons
@Cemo43 ok I will take a look.
+1Would you like to build the body or would you like to build the weapons?
@Snowdog I will help you
@BnanaX cool! It is better than my first plane! XD
Good luck on the way to Au!
+2@Snowdog oh ok, I'm than we will just talk on here than
@Thelegitpilot13 no problem!
@ahmed29 cool!
I thought it is impossible for mobile players to build this good but you inspire me!x
+1@Cemo43 no problem! and if you need help building, I am open
+1@Snowdog ok, do you have a discord? the Bismarck is a dreadnought type german ww2 war ship. take a look at the and tell me what do you think and what can be added on your bismarck. Dreadnought
WOW, great build for a newbie i will download it tomorrow when I have time.
+1@TheAllCarryingOne yup impretty sure that helicopters did not exist back in ww2