I have a problem. I built a M5 Stuart model (inspired by your tanks and using your parts for the gun traverse) but I don't know exactly how to make a damage model for it.
I don't want to sound like a hater but for realism sake the wheels would need to be wider to spread the tanks weight out on the ground just sayin for realism but it looks good nontheless.
Look how they massacred my boy.
+1Is this supposed to be like some modern kv 2?
I worked really hard on please upvote or comment.
Please comment bugs or questions
I know I didn't put much in the description sorry about that.
Ok then I'll start in like 20 minutes.
Do you want me to put Wernster's damage model on it?
I've already made a M5 stuart so I can make a M3 too.
I know I was just bored and wanted to see what would happen
How would one simulate spaced armor?
Hello kind sir welcome.
I don't listen to music while playing SP but these are some of my favorites. Mostly techno.
Deadlocked - F-777
The 7 seas - F-777
Airborne Robots - F-777
Ship Yard - F 777
good job
@bpell thanks
I have an Idea for a name
It's german for Sky waffle (according to google translate)
But is the company focused on civilian or military or both
I'm interested
The only thing left to do is crash your own planes.
+2I disagree.
What kind of war?
I has no dmg model yet so that's why it says early access
I just posted a new one
I have a problem. I built a M5 Stuart model (inspired by your tanks and using your parts for the gun traverse) but I don't know exactly how to make a damage model for it.
+2Thats awesome
+2Are You on a roof?!
What do mean
@Euan2000 I upvoted you plane so you can upvote now.
That makes sense.
I'm more of a pasta salad guy myself.
I like the way this looks but I shall never be able to use it.
+1I fixed it I no longer blocked myself.
Oh wow
I like the Idea but I think(opinion) it could use some improvement. Like an improved cockpit.
Finally a good reason to sleep in the nether.
Every day we stray further from god.
@TriStar I assume thats a positive reaction.
Ok looks good though.
Does it submerge?
Are you repairing or enchanting the cleaver?
@MetalManiac54 If the chickens are your enemies then yes.
Target date is 3/10/2020
Makes sense I honestly think it looks better this way as well.
+1I don't want to sound like a hater but for realism sake the wheels would need to be wider to spread the tanks weight out on the ground just sayin for realism but it looks good nontheless.