Heyyy, Blyatnov, would it be possible for you to do an F-4 Phantom II? I'd really appreciate it but if you're busy with other stuff, I completely understand.
@ThomasRoderick I'm not saying it was the 20mm alone, heavens no, I'm saying that the 20mm likely caused the explosion, likely a very unlucky explosion inside the wing from one or two 20mm shells
Heyyyy, Blyatnov, if you ever revamp your Essex or Lexington, can we get a Hellcat or Avenger? Your most recent Avenger is kinda old as heck, and you've never done a Hellcat as far as I know.
What's a range target??
Hey, Blyatnov, could you please do more Italian vehicles? I'd love to see a Carro Armato P40 or M.C.202
@Monarchii Aww, you're welcome
+1Love it (day 2 of asking for an Eva unit (jk of course, love the work man))
+1@WinsWings Ye
@Hyperr Cute pfp
+3Is it just me or is this tank un-downloadable?
+1Edit: it worked after trying 3 more times
@VeroViper yepp, I beg and plead for a TV series 00 or 02
Thank you, Bly, it really did mean a lot that you released this!
+2Why did the Yak-9 get revamped so early? it was about 11 months/just over a year between this one and the old one
Ahhhhh nice!!
Can we get something like this for the B-2 Spirit? Or, maybe even older bombers like the B-36, B-50, B-29, or even Tu-4?
How? Like actually, how???
@kkz565 Oh? Thank you for telling me! And, of freaking course its turret Dora, cause why shouldn't it be.
+1@kkz565 aww thanks
If I knew you made this, i wouldn't have released my own haha
@TemporaryReplacement felt, don't worry
+1@ThomasRoderick aww thank you, I like assisting in getting points so I like when my revamps help get Bly and other that 1.5x bonus
+3Heyyy, Blyatnov, would it be possible for you to do an F-4 Phantom II? I'd really appreciate it but if you're busy with other stuff, I completely understand.
+2It's like a super beefy Hampden
+1@TemporaryReplacement Ye, keep me in
+1@ThomasRoderick Ouchhh, I felt that.
+1@ThomasRoderick Ah, I didn't know. Thank you for educating me.
+1@ThomasRoderick I'm not saying it was the 20mm alone, heavens no, I'm saying that the 20mm likely caused the explosion, likely a very unlucky explosion inside the wing from one or two 20mm shells
@ThomasRoderick Considering the multiple 20mm defensive gunners on board, its not surprising
+1@PigeeGuy Yea, all I did was edit the tail and nose, as well as the gunner spots
@PigeeGuy Thank you, but, it's actually @Blyatnov 's haha! Idk why the auto credit didn't work
@TemporaryReplacement Lol
@TemporaryReplacement Thank you! Feel free to spotlight if you wish!
@TemporaryReplacement Yessir-y! Sadly, I forgot the flaps, but, womp womp
+1Heyyyy, Blyatnov, if you ever revamp your Essex or Lexington, can we get a Hellcat or Avenger? Your most recent Avenger is kinda old as heck, and you've never done a Hellcat as far as I know.
+3@Minecraftpoweer Thank you
@Minecraftpoweer Does this still work? Can you give a more detailed explanation if it does?
@TheUltimatePlaneLover huh?
@TemporaryReplacement wait, is there a chance we could get one without the SIngle 20mms
@TheUltimatePlaneLover idkkkkk, rebuild her in her December '41 configeruation?
Is this Nevada in her 1942 refit? Just wondering (I'm trying to paint every ship I can in that sexy af December 1941 paint scheme)
@TemporaryReplacement ye
@TemporaryReplacement hahaha, you crack me up, but, no, she's not a pacifist, just a little..bomb laden
Does she have deadweight in the nose?
@TemporaryReplacement aww thank you! I'll be honest, I didn't even put guns on it, haha!
@kkz565 Probably not
Hii, I just wanted to congratulate you on getting to gold in less than Three months!
+1@kkz565 Hmm, sure
So, uhm, how exactly does the AI / FunkyTrees work? I was hoping to put the AI for these onto a cool B-29 I found
Ngl, It's kinda funny that you put the nuclear weapons on board, when this B-29 is straight up not even a silverplate 29, but an Early A model-
+2@Christiant2 Its like a mix of B-36, B-32, and B-29