Do the classic-car tank from mad max fury road!@JetstreamAeroEngineering.
@JovianPat XD I'm pretty sure why the hello did work, you have no real tail control, like a prop. I tried making one but it just over took the front so, idk.
@Johndfg look at the center of mass and move it around
A bit and see the effects. I've also found that putting the center of center of thrust right on the center of lift makes the plane very stable.
How does one submit his plane? This I would like to know.
Congrats man.
@JetstreamAeroEngineering Awe man. OK,sorry.
@jsaret I can even take of from le bandito airport. But the only way to land is on water, also this thing makes a decent hydrofoil.
@jsaret It is not hard at all really. I'm on high physics if that resolves matters.
Do the classic-car tank from mad max fury road!@JetstreamAeroEngineering.
Fly's really well, and it and can manage 60,000 feet well enough. I r8 8/8.
Ty for le upvote @A5mod3us
@TheEngineer It is done.
@TheEngineer done.
@TheEngineer Will do, will tqke a crack at it!
@JovianPat Thanks for the tip! (Sorry about the wings, the design of them just looked appealing to me.)
@tuco It is his decision, let him be, all of us at simple planes will miss you @Hadesrocks.
@JovianPat Yes but most of those don't use props, nowadays I'm just seeing jets.
Falls out of sky rather eaeily , but still a good build.
Falls out of sky rather eaeily , but still a good build.
Holeh shiat this is the fastest and most manuevereab!e prop-powered plane I have ever used. And yet it is so simple!
@JovianPat Awesome
@JovianPat Nice engine. What's your next plane?
Oohh I can use this! Do I have your permission? @Storm3
@xXATHERIALXx Check out my Ol Betsy.
I shall enter.
@JMaxGamer11 Mods aloud? If so I'm in.
@JovianPat Planes really nice.
@icouldntthinkofaname Done. Check out stickbug
@JovianPat You good @ making VTOL planes?
@JovianPat XD I'm pretty sure why the hello did work, you have no real tail control, like a prop. I tried making one but it just over took the front so, idk.
Holy crap. This is one of the best planes I've ever flew! Such agilitiy and speed!
@JovianPat thank you.
@JovianPat I wanted to see whether or not I could improve\fix it.
@JovianPat Ahh cool. The experimental heli, could you post it?
@Johndfg look at the center of mass and move it around
A bit and see the effects. I've also found that putting the center of center of thrust right on the center of lift makes the plane very stable.
@JovianPat idea:Go and make an awesome experimental helicopter.
Epicely awesome plane.
A really awesome plane. A little unstable at times but ilr give a 9.5/10.
A really awesome plane. A little unstable at times but ilr give a 9.5/10.
@hadesrocksz as my third and last entry, I would like to enter my
As my 3rd and last entry, I would like to enter my pathogen.
Awe man mutation is losing ;-c
Bronze? What u talking about?@hadesrocksz
@hadesrocksz I would like to enter my mutation in place of my Hyperion. Is that OK?
@hadesrocksz Check out the new version. Mutation .
@Jerqface OK, what about functionality. I released a much more stable version minutes ago, Anything wrong with functionality?
@hadesrocksz Speaking of my plane, what do you think I could do that would make it better?
@hadesrocksz Woot!
@hadesrocksz I meant to say my hyperion , how's it doing?
@hadesrocksz Hows it doing in the competion?