Dev joeysellers

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joined 9.2 years ago

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Player Biography  

One of my earliest memories is playing Pac-Man on an Atari 2600. As a kid, I loved to write stories and design my own games. I once fashioned my own tabletop role-playing game out of cardboard and construction paper. My dream job was to be a game designer, but life took me another way. Devoting myself to a decades-long career in retail management, I made a fantastic salary, but it was dull and miserable work.

In 2014, I decided to be the master of my own fate. I quit my job. Ever since, I have been teaching myself how to program and develop games. Writing both the story and the code, I self-published my first game in 2015. A year later, Jundroo hires me as a game designer. Life is good.

“Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.”