What are winglets? @Chancey21
@metallicplanes I will
@CrashFighter05 how do you get and odd number by your name because you get 15 from an upvote?
@CrashFighter05 thanks for advice, I actually learned this pretty soon after making this. My other designs use nudging
God I’m such a noob I made my account yesterday
@Chancey21 I’ll try
This has the same amount of upvotes as my best plane
@BoganBoganTheMan incredible
@BoganBoganTheMan wow your planes are absolutely beautiful, how do you do it?
Gosh there are a lot of typos in the description
Thanks for upvotimg
Ha just seeing how people react to memes, Btw don’t upvote
its annoying about the bomb in the fuselage I did it because the weight was off and I didn’t know you could add dead weight
Thanks everyone for downloading
How do you make custom cockpits on mobile?
So I’ve got 2 upvotes? Yay
by the way what is the number beside your username?
will do thanks for everything
@Randomdoggo thanks I will do
I know thi isn’t the best plane and I won’t upload spam in the future
What are winglets? @Chancey21
@metallicplanes I will
@CrashFighter05 how do you get and odd number by your name because you get 15 from an upvote?
@CrashFighter05 thanks for advice, I actually learned this pretty soon after making this. My other designs use nudging
God I’m such a noob I made my account yesterday
@Chancey21 I’ll try
This has the same amount of upvotes as my best plane
@BoganBoganTheMan incredible
@BoganBoganTheMan wow your planes are absolutely beautiful, how do you do it?
Gosh there are a lot of typos in the description
Thanks for upvotimg
Ha just seeing how people react to memes, Btw don’t upvote
its annoying about the bomb in the fuselage I did it because the weight was off and I didn’t know you could add dead weight
Thanks everyone for downloading
How do you make custom cockpits on mobile?
So I’ve got 2 upvotes? Yay
by the way what is the number beside your username?
will do thanks for everything
@Randomdoggo thanks I will do
I know thi isn’t the best plane and I won’t upload spam in the future