I'm sorry, this sounds really sarcastic seeing as you've uploaded only one plane and been here for 8 days and especially when
you said "I never thought I would get this far".
No hard feelings? I'm just stating the facts... im probably just jealous...
Amazing job, nice design and fly's smoothly however it seems the plane leans forward when landing only to break it's propellers, this could either be cuz I'm bad at landing planes or the front wheels suspension strength is too low.
@DeboStreams ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
@DeboStreams ok cool
i wonder what DeboStreams will say when he reaches platinum
maybe he will explode with happiness
@enzoBoeing757 yes I see...
@enzoBoeing757 ummmmmmm ok
@enzoBoeing757 what? You were sailing?
Nah bro, if you think your crazy then you should see
I'm sorry, this sounds really sarcastic seeing as you've uploaded only one plane and been here for 8 days and especially when
you said "I never thought I would get this far".
No hard feelings? I'm just stating the facts...
im probably just jealous...
@winterro kinda slow though but I guess it's the only way to make the bullets look like one big ray.
@BLOODIUS lol ok
@TJRyan ʕº̫͡ºʔ
@TJRyan lol I was joking its ok.
@TJRyan (sniff... Sniff...)
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
goes to cry in corner
But whos Stalin?
@SamCentral to be honest, she really doesn't care if I wear the strap or not cause she's Asian, but if I break the T.V that's when she gets mad.
Lol the rail gun is cool
@belugasub \ (•◡•) /
@Sgtk np
Amazing job, nice design and fly's smoothly however it seems the plane leans forward when landing only to break it's propellers, this could either be cuz I'm bad at landing planes or the front wheels suspension strength is too low.
What the flip!?!?
@metallicplanes lol ok
@JediWolf lol
@CrashFighter05 indeed it is, now if you um umm... UPVOTE, IT WILL ALL BE YOUR!!!
@JediWolf ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
@JediWolf errrrrrrr that makes no sense according to Google translate, ha ha hand apparently.
@JediWolf 😊😊😊
@JediWolf k
@JediWolf what language is that? Korean?
@DJS8Corporations Thank you!!!!!!!!
@JediWolf 😂
@JediWolf phantastic spelling!
Meow, meow amazing! 🐱
i guess i don't need to be tagged lol
@metallicplanes hello sorry I couldn't answer you I was studying.
It doesn't seem to work for you...
@belugasub k thx
@metallicplanes no two before the word
@metallicplanes I gotta go now sorry
@metallicplanes keep experimenting,
Try double #
@metallicplanes idk it doesn't seem to be working for you,
Keep trying
@metallicplanes no no no. I was just showing the red text
@belugasub ok cool
@metallicplanes no just one like this # hello, but with no space
red text
@metallicplanes simple, just put a # before a word
@metallicplanes (stops crying) sniff sniff..........................................................SIKE!!!!
Haha I trick you
@metallicplanes (cries continuosly) yeeeeeaaa! (More crying)
@belugasub indeed you are! But let's stop upvoting eachothers planes like crazy cuz it's cheating,just upvote a new post.
@belugasub oh ok