@Boatrider An easy thing to do it, is reshape a structeral wing, attach a gun to it, drop that wing into the hull of the plane, then move the gun to where you want it
If you make the wings structeral wings, they won't flex like crazy, then you can make the elevators into ailerons too. I think that would make it much nicer, looks great though!
@N1KO I would appreciate that
This is looking great. When done can you post a low-part model for me, and other with older phones and low-spec PC's?
@DPSAircraftManufacturer Hello, I'm glad to see that you are still making great Aircraft
+1Lmfao what is this
Getting back into props?
@DonaldDuckje Extremely agile
I love how this thing flies, the AOA during a turn is crazy :D
You failed.
yah brah this is leik... sick
What thought process led you to put the cannons on the Vertical stabs?
this is ver nice... i saws one like this fly a while before over my house, was nice)
Where are all the parts? It says 314 but looks like below 100.
It wing stalls like crazy
Love this
@kantaro ASM?
I haven't flow it yet, but holy f*ck dude. This looks amazing. Alright just flew it, it flys horribly. But this thing looks so good dude.
People usually make their aircraft tiny in this game, you made a fighter that is 100ft long with a wingspan of 70ft. Take my upvote.
+1This is pretty badass. Goodjob.
@Boatrider Ye
And I thought my planes flew wonky
@Boatrider An easy thing to do it, is reshape a structeral wing, attach a gun to it, drop that wing into the hull of the plane, then move the gun to where you want it
Yo can you make a non modded one?
This is kind of amazing. It looks great and flys realisticly.
Nice, it exploads once you spawn
@Bader No problem man
If you make the wings structeral wings, they won't flex like crazy, then you can make the elevators into ailerons too. I think that would make it much nicer, looks great though!
You need to make it turn way better
More serious now, this is awesome and just how I imagined it.
+1is B I G boy
+1This is stupid
Nice MiG-29
Hey it's that one weird looking 262, good job on the model. Lmao why did you switch the elevators and ailerons?
@AgustinXtreme I reccomend you look at other peoples' designes to learn
Looks super nice and flies really good, but not too good. Good job.
Flies a bit wonky, looks a but wonky, but I can't help but like it lol
+1I'll be honest, Spitfires aren't your thing.
" How many missiles can I fit on this jet? "
+1lmao this looks like one of those vehicles some news article would title " Americas next MBT is already here.... "
Simple, modern and flies well. What's not to like?
+1" f-15 " lol ok
This is hella fun to fly
@JSwaGGify Noice
+1@CMAircraftManufacture Alright, was just wondering something but nevermind...
Do you have Discord?
@CMAircraftManufacture Hell yeah :D
You should make a Korean-era P-51H
@LuciferOfPoland Nevermind I just did it, flies much nicer now imo.
Would you be able to make an un-modded version for me?
Very nice, good job dude. It's nice seeing Simple yet unique and nice aircraft.