I think we’ve reached the point where no site is a site without stupid kids like him. We can’t even enjoy being on this one because of some satanist named “SatanIsMyPookie999”.
@001 There is such thing as cars that use a transverse engine layout and RWD at the same time. It is technically possible according to research, It’s just not so common.
is it possible to make a wheel brake only at a certain speed?
+3The plane does a weird shake whenever I try to roll it. Can you fix that?
+3@calli3 Let me try to make a pickup truck first and then I will start working on the Miko. 👍
+2@LJh1 Yeah, I was working on other stuff. I was so busy that I barely even had time to work on this craft.
+2Ayo @KSB24, can you make this an AI Racer? Thanks m8!
+2Crown Vic is literally the final boss of police cars
+2It’s like that one video where there were guys replacing the wheels of a car while driving it and balancing it on its side wheels.
+2I wish I could use a 3DS emulator on my iPhone :(
+2Make sure no TikTok kids steal it 😃
+2They can do pit maneuvers now? Welp, looks like I won’t be breaking any laws anytime soon.
+2Lol @IceCraftGaming
+2I will try to remake this after I try to get a Countach out.
+1@LunarEclipseSP Who would have guessed?
+1Hey @KSB24, could you please make this a police AI? Thanks! You can also code the magnet for the AI if you want.
+1I can relate.
+1Perhaps you should make the cab a bit more spacious next time.
+1Hey @KSB24, I don’t know if I asked already, but could you turn this into an AI racer, please?
+1Could you turn this into an AI racer, please? Thanks!
+1@126 idk but it fits pretty well lol
+1Unpopular opinion: the 2005 Veyron looks better than its 2012 counterpart.
+1Congratulations on reaching 100k points m8
+1These are all opinion-based btw.
+1Hey, quick question: What happened to the “DISRUPTOR” car that you posted a few hours ago?
+1This craft made it to #23 on the home page! Thanks y’all!
+1@Inuyasha8215 Wow. For someone who had like over 20K+ points, that was a really childish thing for him to do.
+1I think we’ve reached the point where no site is a site without stupid kids like him. We can’t even enjoy being on this one because of some satanist named “SatanIsMyPookie999”.
+1I gotta get to working on this right NOW.
+1Hey, @KSB24! Can you make this an AI racer please? Thanks!
+1Reverse thrust isn’t working properly.
+1@001 There is such thing as cars that use a transverse engine layout and RWD at the same time. It is technically possible according to research, It’s just not so common.
+1Can’t wait for its release!
+1@001 Well, it sort of works like a sports car. It’s also driftable.
+1Hey @KSB24, can you make this an AI racer? Thanks!
+1I thought Jundroo had filed for bankruptcy.
+1Bro’s about to bring NASCAR to SimplePlanes!
+1yes officer, it’s stock
+1So they brake for half a second? Odd.
+1nice dashcam footage
+1Future Elon Musk in the making.
+1@VeroViper I most certainly remember the cheesesticks of aviation!
+1Airplane Mode:
This car is fun to drift! Well done!
+1I just hope they add more mobile-friendly maps for Simpleplanes 2.
+1I use reference images to make a few of my cars steamlined.
+1Ayo @KSB24 if you can, can you make an AI version of this? Thanks! 😊
+1@TheTomatoLover No, unfortunately.
+1Very realistic! Congrats, bro!
+1J E S K O
+1@HololiveFan how rude :(