haha, yeah I've gotten comfortable with this building style, I've mad a few unique but odd designs like one that can preform a mid air 360 without loosing speed or one that isn't symmetrical and I'm working on one with insane maneuverability atm @hypnotoad
There is no way it would float and still fly right @UnknownVectors
Yeah the one I just made is a massive 170,000 and still hits 1500@UnknownVectors
Yeah that's pretty amazing I tried to add floaties to one of mine and even at 70 mph when it hit water ir broke the game @UnknownVectors
But I bulit the frame in 5hrs @UnknownVectors
Dang the new one I just built took me 2 days to fine tune controls @UnknownVectors
Yeah I've made a few, have u seen me new ones @UnknownVectors
Yeah I haven't been able to get to my Mac but when I do im trying it @UnknownVectors
Or the few I've made recently
dang thats amazing @Nickasaurusrex
thnx @Nickasaurusrex
@JacobHardy64 Wit till u see what i got comming
Thnx buddy @carter2
so 2 AM? @hypnotoad
wait how u guys sleepingg now? what time is it there @hypnotoad
haha, yeah I've gotten comfortable with this building style, I've mad a few unique but odd designs like one that can preform a mid air 360 without loosing speed or one that isn't symmetrical and I'm working on one with insane maneuverability atm @hypnotoad
thnx bro, and thnx for your support @hypnotoad
Your Back!!!!
K @Nickasaurusrex
no the nozzles at the front of the blur the VTOL engines i had on the MK 10 Were modded @Nickasaurusrex
Very streamlined
yeah just did @CaptianWaffle
np y did u get rid of the modded vtol @Nickasaurusrex
And you @CaptianWaffle
Not too well only 1 entry:(@CaptianWaffle
It's my favorite number that's y I put it at the end of my name @CaptianWaffle
Oh I got to 7000 a couple of times but I stayed at low altitude@Nickasaurusrex
Lol belive it or not 240 is my fave #@CaptianWaffle
completey different design didn't want it to mixed up with the others @Nickasaurusrex
no it is virtually drag less @Nickasaurusrex
Yeah @Nickasaurusrex
Not quite I had something else to do I am testing it now @Nickasaurusrex
Yep but it looks a lot different @Nickasaurusrex
np working on it now @Nickasaurusrex
Yeah but it's your plane not mine don't forget that @Nickasaurusrex
Yeah my goal is to take this aircraft to at least 10,000 mph and have it still be controllable @Nickasaurusrex
My ideas kinda stem off the X-43A which has a top speed of 7000+ @Nickasaurusrex
Yeah I have new control ideas that should help its stability and maneuverability at 3000+mph@Nickasaurusrex
Thnx bro, what's the max speed oh this beast @Nickasaurusrex
Looks amazing, can't test it atm but imma upload a successor aircraft with new ideas @Nickasaurusrex
Yeah he isn't but i still have to thank him for the rating @TheSoundofLight