made a mobile friendly version @Nickasaurusrex
@carter2 @TheSoundofLight @JacobHardy64
awesome thnx @Eric314
Can u test it I need people on OSX/ PC to try it @Eric314
Btw u spelled weebabysemus wrong @JacobHardy64
Go for it, imma try and make my Dreamliner smaller @planelover400
Dang thats insane @UnknownVectors
Thnx m8 @JacobHardy64
U should the Dreamliner i made its way above 320 pieces @TheSoundofLight
Great concept
Ahhh, so what your take on my 787 and be honest i can take criticism , @JacobHardy64
Yeah lol sounds kinda stalkerish, i wanted to see if u had any sp tips @JacobHardy64
@JMicah im sorry its so big:( is the design good though??
I took a modded large engine then bulid a casing out of structural wings to make it look like a genx engine @Nickasaurusrex
So is it the piece count that won't let it run on mobile? @JacobHardy64
Hey @TheSoundofLight
I see :( @Nickasaurusrex
But 0 downloads, must be to big..... :( @JacobHardy64
Ok @Nickasaurusrex
Thnx bro, btw nice youtube channel ;)@JacobHardy64
@Nickasaurusrex how would you do that
@BaconAndEggs96 thnx
Dang sorry@carter2
y can't u download? @carter2
ITS UP@UnknownVectors
lol sorry bro @carter2
Heck ya @UnknownVectors
thnx bro '@UnknownVectors
do u follow me?@UnknownVectors
k @UnknownVectors
ok @UnknownVectors
idk but I've been waiting half an hr @UnknownVectors
i have a sweet 787 ready to upload but it won't!@UnknownVectors
I'm so frustrated atm @UnknownVectors
beat him @UnknownVectors
nice @UnknownVectors
ok sorry didn't mean to offend you @PlanesOfOld
he is got a point but anyway not bad for first plane
thnx bro @Nachoman
np @maverickvii
made a mobile friendly version @Nickasaurusrex
@carter2 @TheSoundofLight @JacobHardy64
awesome thnx @Eric314
Can u test it I need people on OSX/ PC to try it @Eric314
Btw u spelled weebabysemus wrong @JacobHardy64
Go for it, imma try and make my Dreamliner smaller @planelover400
Dang thats insane @UnknownVectors
Thnx m8 @JacobHardy64
U should the Dreamliner i made its way above 320 pieces @TheSoundofLight
Great concept
Ahhh, so what your take on my 787 and be honest i can take criticism , @JacobHardy64
Yeah lol sounds kinda stalkerish, i wanted to see if u had any sp tips @JacobHardy64
@JMicah im sorry its so big:( is the design good though??
I took a modded large engine then bulid a casing out of structural wings to make it look like a genx engine @Nickasaurusrex
So is it the piece count that won't let it run on mobile? @JacobHardy64
Hey @TheSoundofLight
I see :( @Nickasaurusrex
But 0 downloads, must be to big..... :( @JacobHardy64
Ok @Nickasaurusrex
Thnx bro, btw nice youtube channel ;)@JacobHardy64
@Nickasaurusrex how would you do that
@BaconAndEggs96 thnx
Dang sorry@carter2
y can't u download? @carter2
ITS UP@UnknownVectors
lol sorry bro @carter2
Heck ya @UnknownVectors
thnx bro '@UnknownVectors
do u follow me?@UnknownVectors
k @UnknownVectors
ok @UnknownVectors
idk but I've been waiting half an hr @UnknownVectors
i have a sweet 787 ready to upload but it won't!@UnknownVectors
I'm so frustrated atm @UnknownVectors
beat him @UnknownVectors
nice @UnknownVectors
ok sorry didn't mean to offend you @PlanesOfOld
he is got a point but anyway not bad for first plane
thnx bro @Nachoman
np @maverickvii