@DestinyAviation I had a Survolt w/ max upgrades and my best car was a Renault Alpine, I think. It was the new one, the racer. That game was so fun, melted my battery and obliterated storage space, though. The graphics were amazing.
@Sauce two things: 1. Congrats on platinum rank! 2. Can I make a mobile friendly version? It has about 500 parts and gets 40-50 fps on a Kindle fire HD8. ( my Device )
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing yeah I would only look at it though. My dad let's me spend half my money, so I could afford it right now. That's what pains me.
Use fuselage inlet, and make a subassembally with a wing and wing gun. Then when fine tuner to put the gun in it. That's the simplest way to do it.
I tried Chibi once...It was nightmare fuel...
@DestinyAviation I had a Survolt w/ max upgrades and my best car was a Renault Alpine, I think. It was the new one, the racer. That game was so fun, melted my battery and obliterated storage space, though. The graphics were amazing.
@SkullsAndCrossbones ;-; sad...so sad... ;-;
@Gemista yeah I switched cockpits to do it. That probably did it.
That's difficult. Take an upvote for giving me a challenge.
@Gemista sry it didn't render as a successor.
@Gemista here's mine
@FlyingThings yeah. That's why I said it would be a challenge. I'd like to see what you can come up with.
@Gemista well. Seems interesting. Expect some time under water, USS Beast.
@Tully2001 thanks. I'll update as soon as possible.
@FlyingThings building it. It would be a challenge for you.
try this, I'm saving up for one anyway.
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing I know. I was talking about on this page.
Wow. I never thought about that. Great ideas!
There's a mod for that.
I'm talking about the mobile friendly version.
@Sauce Sorry, I've been a bit slow lately. I accidentally deleted the aircraft after saving it whilst scrolling through.
@Spikerya clap clap clap
@Sauce Okay. Thanks!
And I thought I made good bombers...
Nice. Reminds me of this. I loved that game.
@Sauce two things: 1. Congrats on platinum rank! 2. Can I make a mobile friendly version? It has about 500 parts and gets 40-50 fps on a Kindle fire HD8. ( my Device )
@Sauce I'm on Android, is there a way you would recommend, other than removing parts, to make this work better on mobile?
@Herpington ???
Update: I'm grounded, and I can't build anything. I'm doing this at school right now.@saturn28 @TehNewDucky @doge @randomusername @LukeDaDuke
@ForeverPie basically you just pull out the little plastic bar in it and it drops and activates the alarm. great!
@randomusername no. And I'll make my Device tommorow...maybe...I have a lot of stuff in school so I might not be able to.
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing I feel ya. Blew 250 on an XBox One.
This is clickable in v v v below v v v
Try this let's see how creative you are.
Try this I swear it's not a rick!
Try using xml modded guns.
@ThePrototype they won't work in comments...
nice text
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing on what? I'm mean that was a bad choice, but what was 200 bucks?
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing yeah I would only look at it though. My dad let's me spend half my money, so I could afford it right now. That's what pains me.
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing yeah Im half way to getting it. My lawn mower has been slightly overused the last few weeks trying to get money.
I know this was posted a while back, but can I use it for something?
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing I'm jealous...Here's want I'm saving for: link
Cite the incorrect usage of a comma.
One time after school my teacher's toddler pulled a fire alarm in the hallway. one good day, that was.
I'm dying xD!
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing you have a Karambit!?!?
I'm excited, but paicent. Just do a great job!