@Iamanoob its better if he don't he said he will make another Apache even doe he made 4 versions
@VANITYPLAYZZ what phone you use
I'll take it
@WIZARD2017 But you' ve already made 3 version n the maxium is 1900parts😐 make that 4 soon 5?
@Kickbotaski I suggest Viper
@Kickbotaski LOL
@Iamanoob its better if he don't he said he will make another Apache even doe he made 4 versions
@VANITYPLAYZZ what phone you use
I'll take it
@WIZARD2017 But you' ve already made 3 version n the maxium is 1900parts😐 make that 4 soon 5?
@Kickbotaski I suggest Viper
@Kickbotaski LOL