@PlanesOfOld = Mkenz Was once a day of Russian vodka came two glorious citizens of the Soviet empire have been killed climbing to reach the final bottle ................. it was a day when ballalikas Wer played with high and low Fireworks banged and tanks rolling through the streets of VE day! Moscow ... 1945 .... I am English but am learning russian :)
i'm using Google Translate XD
@PlanesOfOld Comment Translated: Stropkov Vodka made from the finest potatoes dug from the earth mother hefself when you Trink it as antifreeze, but it's nice! Hail VODKA!
Challenge Accepted.
@Makcoink Thanks again for not tagging me.
@Makcoink You took it down. Thanks for forgetting to tag me, BTW.
@Makcoink You took it down?
Rating this to help your score and make sure I didn't get banned for requesting someone to make the "ISIS" country ball.
@PlanesOfOld = Mkenz Was once a day of Russian vodka came two glorious citizens of the Soviet empire have been killed climbing to reach the final bottle ................. it was a day when ballalikas Wer played with high and low Fireworks banged and tanks rolling through the streets of VE day! Moscow ... 1945 .... I am English but am learning russian :) i'm using Google Translate XD
@PlanesOfOld Comment Translated: Stropkov Vodka made from the finest potatoes dug from the earth mother hefself when you Trink it as antifreeze, but it's nice! Hail VODKA!
Do........................ ISIS Ball and Nazi Ball. How many people will kill you? I dunno. but do it.
@KingDeadshot ...Oh yeah...
@ahappyape The hell? Who is everyone?
@ahappyape Cool. Whats your email? Maybe You, Hypno, and I could do a group chat.
Do Soviet Ball, see how many people try to kill you.
@hypnotoad But seriously, I'm out of ideas. We could do hangouts, but we'll be off-topic in seconds. @ahappyape any ideas from you?
You should do Britain and France in either order next.
Do America next.
@ahappyape Not gonna respond, cause if I do it'll be a death threat.
@hypnotoad I really don't know.
No prob. About to release rover 4 @hypnotoad
Was this when you tried the game-breaking wings?
Have a rating
Have a rating.
@hypnotoad I seriously don't know. But if we're gonna talk about that lets go over to my rover or hangouts, because i don't want to spam this on u.
@hypnotoad So... 5 hours.
@hypnotoad Afternoon? XD. You 5-6 hours ahead.
@hypnotoad but, I did dominate SAM evasion in it.
Decent speed and agile.
@hypnotoad And a blue screen
@hypnotoad There goes my game.
@hypnotoad Time to water test it.
@ahappyape Come on, this isn't easy, yah know.
@hypnotoad So now its in like 3 mins. see ya there.
@hypnotoad So at 4 for me.
@hypnotoad I'm behind you. So when r u gonna be on. I'm confused. It's 352PM here so its.... where you are??.
@hypnotoad 3PM
@hypnotoad So its 3:40 now.. so 30... so.... so.... what time is it for u right now?
@hypnotoad Also, 17.5k. Congrats
@hypnotoad Ok. I know I'm gonna fail misrebly, so hangouts so I don't die in a firey explosion?
@hypnotoad I'm spamming your notifications, aren't I?
@hypnotoad You were right.
@hypnotoad Lets test that theory
@hypnotoad Ah.
@hypnotoad Wonder if this breaks the game...
@hypnotoad any ideas on how to make it bigger then this?
Blue screen @hypnotoad
Found it dwnlding now @hypnotoad
@hypnotoad No prob. Now where is my phone...?
@hypnotoad 17k congrats!
@hypnotoad your gonna literally make my phone explode
@ahappyape @hypnotoad WALL OF LOLS lolololololololololololololololkllo0loooooooooloolloololololololololololoolololololol