Very, very, very big. Way too big to be called a replica. It looks nice though. It flies OK. Flaps don't really do much except hinder the landing. Yaw should have way more authority than it does. These things fought at low speed, using the rudder was very important, and not having the rudder do much of anything on this saddens me. Details are nice, it has a lot of parts though. 661 for something that looks so simple?
Speed is too quick as well. It flies at like 220 on the deck, which means at higher alts it will likely reach anywhere from 300 to 400. It has too much drag, it cannot glide at ALL.
Speaking of bugs. I have found a bug with pausing the game and moving the camera.
Replication: Pause Game (Or open ESC Menu) and drag camera off-center. Now resume game. Notice that the camera will jump from a different location, sometimes underneath terrain, or very far away.
Example is to delete from and to delete :80 from
If you copy the URL of the Hoonicorn, and then delete the :80 that's in the URL you should have the normal page URL which you can copy, and then CTRL+L whilst in SP to load said creation.
Just keep in mind that if it was built using 1.6 SP or lower it will not load due to being built on outdated version.
@Blue0Bull That's alright. Just a tip for the future, if you hover over the blue text and then look in the bottom left of your screen it will preview what link you're about to click on.
No need to apologize to me, thank you though, nobody has wronged me in any way, just annoyed and amused me haha. I think the apologies should be for Latent and the rest of the mod/dev team for having to step in so many times and having to deal with that wasteland of a comment section. @CRJ900Pilot
The name of the game doesn't determine how the game is played. Minecraft for example.. online is mostly PVP and Minigames, not mining, or crafting. @CRJ900Pilot
Even if you did use an external program to generate planes, how is it cheating? There is no cheating if there are no rules. If someone says you cheat, then just brush them off.
@jamesPLANESii Check out the ww2 dogfight mission. The planes have changed for the worst, and planes have miniguns on them. That was never mentioned either.
@Graingy It's the only one I care about keeping around. You can check out my Juno (SimpleRockets 2) profile for the more up-to-date stuff I've made. Here
Welcome, please make sure to check out the rules if you haven't already.
Here is a post that you should read up on concerning how to use markdown formatting for the forum posts and aircraft descriptions.
+1@Mattangi2 I have removed your comment for breaking website rules.
@agnanSatrio War Thunder is indeed best.
+1@Chancey21 Give me a few minutes to check.
+1@FairFireFight Oreo Mocha Milkshake is pretty freaking close to Root Beer. Also, thanks.
+1@AstleyIndustries See, I think I like you. Know why? Because you know what's good. Root Beer is by far the best.
+1@randomusername Here you go. ISFP-T
+1Very cool, very cool. 10/10
+1@TOHmaster Thank you :)
+1Very, very, very big. Way too big to be called a replica. It looks nice though. It flies OK. Flaps don't really do much except hinder the landing. Yaw should have way more authority than it does. These things fought at low speed, using the rudder was very important, and not having the rudder do much of anything on this saddens me. Details are nice, it has a lot of parts though. 661 for something that looks so simple?
+1Speed is too quick as well. It flies at like 220 on the deck, which means at higher alts it will likely reach anywhere from 300 to 400. It has too much drag, it cannot glide at ALL.
@aerodummy Nice watch, thank you.
+1@aerodummy May I have a link? I believe I have not seen it.
+1@ProjectTank No. I wish. Nothing can compare to the might of the Po-2!
+1@Chancey21 But it's already uploaded. -- And please, don't just assume I'll tag you because you told me to.
+1@asteroidbook345 Yes, I was not happy with their quality.
+1Speaking of bugs. I have found a bug with pausing the game and moving the camera.
Replication: Pause Game (Or open ESC Menu) and drag camera off-center. Now resume game. Notice that the camera will jump from a different location, sometimes underneath terrain, or very far away.
Bug Video
+1It might be a good idea to link the bug report form here on this post as well, unless you guys are done taking bug reports.
+1Lovely update, way WAY more than I could've ever expected.
Time to get the Skybox Pack revived!
+1Example is to delete
and to delete:80
This will leave you with
+1If you copy the URL of the Hoonicorn, and then delete the :80 that's in the URL you should have the normal page URL which you can copy, and then CTRL+L whilst in SP to load said creation.
Just keep in mind that if it was built using 1.6 SP or lower it will not load due to being built on outdated version.
+110/10 thumbnail
+1You have to scale the health separately.
+1You know I'm gonna be in the sidelines judging this one hardcore! Corsairs are my favorite.
+1@FastDan Yes, my bad.
+1@jamesPLANESii less height means less road, it needs less fractal noise.
+1@Othawne You're welcome, Abrams is still best.
+1@Chancey21 Nope, made in less than 30 minutes.
+1I can give it a go as well, only if you admit Abrams is best! ;)
+1@EternalDarkness But I am Mod. I am your tag. Do not defy me! :D
+1@WNP78 loves playing with barbie!
+1Anti-Mod? :( ---- The plane looks good, but I sure hope it flies like a plane, and not a spaceship.
+1Run Mostly, Run!
+1@Blue0Bull That's alright. Just a tip for the future, if you hover over the blue text and then look in the bottom left of your screen it will preview what link you're about to click on.
+1War Thunder
+1@Lahoski107 XML allows the adjusting of mass, the sizing of parts, and so much more.
+1No need to make a forum post calling people out either.
+1No need to apologize to me, thank you though, nobody has wronged me in any way, just annoyed and amused me haha. I think the apologies should be for Latent and the rest of the mod/dev team for having to step in so many times and having to deal with that wasteland of a comment section. @CRJ900Pilot
+1The name of the game doesn't determine how the game is played. Minecraft for example.. online is mostly PVP and Minigames, not mining, or crafting. @CRJ900Pilot
+1C'mon. What's with the name calling... @Tully2001
Button To Press For anyone having trouble accessing the link.Love the look and colo(u)r. Styling is on point here.
+1Just build a standard VTOL aircraft in the shape of a blimp, and then add a gyro to it. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
+1@Johndfg Uh, excuse me.. all my creations are low-part-countm Thank you very much. Rude. My work is just as good as yours.
+1Even if you did use an external program to generate planes, how is it cheating? There is no cheating if there are no rules. If someone says you cheat, then just brush them off.
+1@jamesPLANESii Check out the ww2 dogfight mission. The planes have changed for the worst, and planes have miniguns on them. That was never mentioned either.
+1@Randomplayer Don't know what good tagging me is going to do you. Don't do it again, kthnx.
@Graingy It's the only one I care about keeping around. You can check out my Juno (SimpleRockets 2) profile for the more up-to-date stuff I've made. Here
@Graingy Jet Biplane!