Oh , the vector indicator works just like a wind indicator , so it won't work so accurate in windy circumstance.
And about the low stall speed...the flat bottom wing gets bigger stall AOA and lift.
@CRJ900Pilot Sorry that the red dot is not for shooting , it is there for showing the motion vector . But it is a great idea of making a indicator for shooting , though I have no idea how to do that yet ... (:з」∠)
@Razor3278 Well...Thanks for your advice , but the purpose I built this craft is to demonstrate the HUD system , so I just try to show that.
Here is the link of the J/A-11(A-A):https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/xLk2sv/J-A-11-A-A
设计的时候的想法是多功能低成本(零件数)的中型机 @13745
所以叫“斗篷”啊(= ̄ω ̄=)
我现在不太方便找,你可以试试去 Armstrong的空军之翼 之类的航空博主的微博翻翻看?@JKLMN
+1我有一个好主意:加个吊臂挂些副油箱、机炮吊舱、反舰导弹什么的,再加装个雷达啊光电传感器之类的,然后换一身海航涂装,就又可以骗一波UP了~ (滑稽)
预计在相当长的一段时间里我都不会有新作品了…… @13745
我这个伪大佬已经被腌制成咸鱼了…… π_π @13745
不不不,那个小三角只是动作机构的整流罩,转轴是在其下方,你多找找照片或者模型比较一下就知道了 @JKLMN
@lancelot3340 被驱逐舰揍的
@lancelot3340 刚飞了一下单发失效,贼刺激
@lancelot3340 要看主要玩家人群的分布时区咯~
I don't know how to explain that , You can check the XML data , from PartNo.341 .
Sorry I mean working like a wind vane.
You should try using the "wing-2"
Oh , the vector indicator works just like a wind indicator , so it won't work so accurate in windy circumstance.
And about the low stall speed...the flat bottom wing gets bigger stall AOA and lift.
@CRJ900Pilot √ That is easy , I'll upload it tomorrow
@CRJ900Pilot Sorry that the red dot is not for shooting , it is there for showing the motion vector . But it is a great idea of making a indicator for shooting , though I have no idea how to do that yet ... (:з」∠)
@Razor3278 Well...Thanks for your advice , but the purpose I built this craft is to demonstrate the HUD system , so I just try to show that.
Here is the link of the J/A-11(A-A):https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/xLk2sv/J-A-11-A-A
"Boooooooooom..." Said my computer .
+2Second !
Oh,it is absolutely great shaped and just need a bit improvement on its flying character,may I take a try?If you like.@WaffleCakes
And that makes it a bit hard for AI to fly it well, Especially in dogfighting. @ThePilotDude
Still not good enough,the agility of it yawing ang rolling is not satisfactory enough to me. @ThePilotDude
A flying potato ?
It is funny and tact of using a cockpit as its nose.
+2Maybe i should try with a higher speed
Errrrrrr...It is almost impossible to land.
Well...he wanna say that it is very cute @Caveman999
@JettStorm Errr......actually I didn't mean to build a freaky aircraft ,it simply for the balance of its aerodynamic design...
Awesome !!!
Nice work ! I really like the smooth airframe
Why users can't rename their accout themselves?That would more convenient right?
在服务器里见过= ̄ω ̄=
Thank you!