(Note this is all a joke) “papa. Yes Johnny. Why can’t I go to work with you it’s take your kid to work day. Well Johnny papas job is 20 thousand feet above the ground. Ok so why can’t I go with you papa. BECAUSE JOHNNY YOU CANT GET ON MY JET PACK. Yes I can papa. NO JOHNNY YOU WILL FALL OFF. Oh man 😢” (again this is all a joke don’t take this literally I’m just joking)
@BeastHunter @XX9STRIKER @LarryTad
News we will be posting the mig 21 at 10 30 pasific because most people said pasific and I’m not saying my time zone so I’ll do what people say to do time zone wise tomorrow
Easy make a engine inside of the real engine and make the one behind it have a high flame range and then for example you set the engine to activate ag 1 then when you hit ag one it will look like the flame is coming out of the engine you can see
@BeastHunter my final entry
+1I love this
+1T for everything
+1@BeastHunter @LarryTad @X99STRIKER
+1Sorry but we are putti bc the post back 2 more days so sorry for it but we’ll we have a delay
@V my phone handled this somehow but… it wasn’t happy
+1(Note this is all a joke) “papa. Yes Johnny. Why can’t I go to work with you it’s take your kid to work day. Well Johnny papas job is 20 thousand feet above the ground. Ok so why can’t I go with you papa. BECAUSE JOHNNY YOU CANT GET ON MY JET PACK. Yes I can papa. NO JOHNNY YOU WILL FALL OFF. Oh man 😢” (again this is all a joke don’t take this literally I’m just joking)
+1🤯 wait what is this. this thing crazy awsome
+1@BeastHunter actually I’m changing it to pasific time
+1@BeastHunter ok
+1@BeastHunter but it’s fine if you don’t want to say
+1@BeastHunter cause I did est because I asked people what time zone most said est I’m not in eastern time zone though
+1@BeastHunter what time zone are you in just wondering if I should change the time zone post
+1@BeastHunter @XX9STRIKER @LarryTad
+1News we will be posting the mig 21 at 10 30 pasific because most people said pasific and I’m not saying my time zone so I’ll do what people say to do time zone wise tomorrow
@idontknow8b yes there is one just i didn’t build intirior for it but it’s meant to seat 6
+1@idontknow8b did you get my entry?
+1On everything
+1@LegnaK oh sorry it’s just I was already half done with that plane not for the challenge but for a post so I had to post that
+1@LegnaK this is my entry
+1@LegnaK hey did you get my entry to this challenge
+1Easy make a engine inside of the real engine and make the one behind it have a high flame range and then for example you set the engine to activate ag 1 then when you hit ag one it will look like the flame is coming out of the engine you can see
+1@Bryan5 I think your standers are amazing so 1
+1@Idontknow8b my entry
+1@NavalCG ok I entered it
+1Those are from Vietnam well they used them there
+1What about a ov-10 bronco?
+1https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/4eeijN/Ikea-Kallax-Shelf-swedish-challange Here you go
+1@BeastHunter ok thanks
+1@BeastHunter what?
+1@BeastHunter hey I love all your work but I can never seem to build a plane that can fly would it be possible for you to give me some tips pls :)
+1@jamesPLANESii yeah may I have a link also please if not that’s good :)
+1@BeastHunter I changed my username
+1@BeastHunter also so you know it’s me catzilla I’ve had 2 other entry’s just so you know that this and those are my entry’s
+1@BeastHunter my final entry on this one I tryed my worst!
+1Awsome did you build thsi
+1@MashMellow I am making Santa’s sled
+1@PlaneFlightX if so T me
+1Will you post it at some point @PlaneFlightX
+1I will enter
+1@BeastHunter Thanks I tryed my worst!
+1Do you like it @BeastHunter
+1@BeastHunter here you go my second entry possibly one more coming medium chances