(Song starts playing) let the bodies hit the floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let THe BODIes Hit THe FLOor. LEEET THE BOOODIIES HIIT THHEEE FLLLLOOOOOOORRRRRRR!!!!!! @Thelegitpilot13
Yep. I might make other challenges about Halloween later. Let’s just see how this does though. It’s my first time making a challenge so this is basically an experiment for me.@Thelegitpilot13
Lol watch him mess with your account and delete your best posts or something. Watch you come home and you have your account at like 15 points. I think that’s how it works.
What is the plane for? Is it a water plane? Cause if it is I suggest an ocean theme. If it’s a dessert plane I suggest a desert theme. Obviously tho. But really I like 3, 6, and 7 @belugasub
Awesome man! Sorry I couldn’t see it earlier that would’ve helped
Oh well. Yeah you can participate! Just remember to have this a predesessor! @KatyushaTheDuckProtector
Heh @Thelegitpilot13
Oh no they changed! @KatyushaTheDuckProtector
Ya! Your number of points may help. Lol. Jk tho @KatyushaTheDuckProtector
(Song starts playing) let the bodies hit the floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let THe BODIes Hit THe FLOor. LEEET THE BOOODIIES HIIT THHEEE FLLLLOOOOOOORRRRRRR!!!!!! @Thelegitpilot13
+2Heh that’s easy
Well if only one other person does it I want fee 15 upvotes@Ayvieyation
Yep thx@Thelegitpilot13
Bang!! 💥@Thelegitpilot13
Yep. I might make other challenges about Halloween later. Let’s just see how this does though. It’s my first time making a challenge so this is basically an experiment for me.@Thelegitpilot13
+1Depression @Thelegitpilot13
Oh well@Thelegitpilot13
Eh it won’t be as good @Thelegitpilot13
I said knock knock three times and know one cared I feel sad. @Thelegitpilot13
I’m about to start following a lot of people. My goal is around 670 if you get my drift.
Ok you know what I’m not gonna say my joke because no one wants to play along!!
Ok cool! I was just wondering cause I thought I saw a comer soap about this. This is really cool though!@Jhantilloto
+1Or maybe pre-compressed springs so you can make weapon magazines
You can only use three tags per comment @LockheedLover
Isn’t SpaceX making a new interplanetary rocket called the starship?
+1I said, EEEHHHHH HHHEEEMMMM.... knock knock
Lol watch him mess with your account and delete your best posts or something. Watch you come home and you have your account at like 15 points. I think that’s how it works.
Eh hem... knock knock
Knock knock
And why did I keep watching it?
What did I just watch?
Ya it’s pretty blinding @DuckPak
I’ve never shot a plastic gun though. I wouldn’t want to because it might explode in my face @Flash0of0green
@Natedog120705 @Natedog120705 @Natedog120705 @Natedog120705 @Natedog120705 @Natedog120705 @Natedog120705 @Natedog120705 @Natedog120705
Ya like pocket guns, they hurt a lot. @Natedog120705
Ya that’s true. But seriously handguns are fun to use. @Flash0of0green
Ya np@RasucitNemilos
Haha sure! That would be cool @StratusFlash
Pretty nice though.
+1I’m a kid... with a gun... and I can hit a shot at a target less than 1 foot wide and tall at 600 yards away my first shot.
Imaging holding this in the palm of your hand. Oh wait you couldn’t cause it’s over 10 square feet big.
Oh also T @Being
Cool... It was... really cool looking...@Being
Well I mean if my IPhone 6s can run all of mobile SimpleRockets 2...
What ever happened to Robins Giant ship teaser? @Being
What is the plane for? Is it a water plane? Cause if it is I suggest an ocean theme. If it’s a dessert plane I suggest a desert theme. Obviously tho. But really I like 3, 6, and 7 @belugasub
Wow this has really good flight mechanics like you said. But it feels real like a real plane. Awesome dude!
I’ll tag you if it isn’t possible just tell me because you will be surprised. @JamesBoA
I better at Minecraft then Pewdiepie. Don’t believe me? I didn’t kill my dogs best friend!
+1Thank you @Dastin
You will help? @JamesBoA
Lol o thought I deleted this. I was gonna post it as a joke but decided not too