And that’s not the chance of death, that’s the death rate, or in other words the deaths compared to the infected. It takes about 2 weeks to show symptoms, so it’ll take a little time to die. @goboygo1
Your is actually really cool dude! I worked a long time on this so I really looked at everything and made sure it worked, but your is good and cool too. @Edwinatrt
No, not the exact area around, just a little of the area it’s traveling through. And the partial Ed would only lose a little through mainly friction. Anyways@ArcturusAerospace
I read them. Confused, yet I think someone made a predecessor and RU got mad, had bothe posts taken down and got attacked/insulted by some SP users, felt bad. And deleted her account? @MrPorg137
This all happened in a span of what, 12 hours? Probably less. I will soon take this down cause a read an earlier forum post. But seriously this got outta hand real too quik@CoolPeach
When will mikbile be out?
Like I said, it might not do as well... @Bman01
When will this be ready for IOS anyone?
+2And that’s not the chance of death, that’s the death rate, or in other words the deaths compared to the infected. It takes about 2 weeks to show symptoms, so it’ll take a little time to die. @goboygo1
There is no vaccine @goboygo1
Np dude@Axartar
+1Oh sounds cool @vcharng
Mother Russia Would Be PROUD
+1What’s naval art?
Mainly negative inputs on random blocks @MegaFox
Haha lol @TitanIncorporated
I don’t know when you reached it, it congrats on 50.0 k @BoganBoganTheMan
I’m guessing around 3500 parts?
Yeah I was quite proud of the way those turned out. But sight at the end of the barrel on yours is quite cool too @Edwinatrt
Your is actually really cool dude! I worked a long time on this so I really looked at everything and made sure it worked, but your is good and cool too. @Edwinatrt
Your very formal I see@Notaleopard
Oh wow. The full size is pretty big. That’s cool@Dllama4
Thanks dude @Bman01
Lol I guess it’s the same here with my idea. But In SP you don’t have to worry about casualty... @jamesPLANESii
No, not the exact area around, just a little of the area it’s traveling through. And the partial Ed would only lose a little through mainly friction. Anyways@ArcturusAerospace
Did you even read it? @ArcturusAerospace
I meant how do I get it to say in-game “Rail Cannon” instead of its original name like cannon or Boom 25 or Boom 50 @Thelegitpilot13
Ya. I get it. @DeezDucks
Like where it says 50x Rail Cannon. I wanted to know how to do that, because I wanted to create my own. @Thelegitpilot13
Hey, how did you get the custom weapon selection things in-game? @Thelegitpilot13
I feel doing this tho is almost like asking for followers.
How long in ft is it?
Like people still believe in this ? @JamesBleriot
Hold up, is this stuff really real?@JamesBleriot
Thank you @Shunkray
Thank you man! @Empanadinho
Thanks to you both! @MrPorg137 @Hedero
Cool! @Dragons103
Thank you @Dragons103
This thing is amazing!@2980788001
Is this original?
Thx man.@MrPorg137
Sorry yeah misspelled. Thefalkenriech@ArcturusAerospace
What does Repect mean? @BuiltBionixInd10
What? @BuiltBionixInd10
What happened then?@TheCreatorandDestroyer99
I blame Thefapienreich
Awesome, but youhonestly post so many forum posts and stuff.
I read them. Confused, yet I think someone made a predecessor and RU got mad, had bothe posts taken down and got attacked/insulted by some SP users, felt bad. And deleted her account? @MrPorg137
This all happened in a span of what, 12 hours? Probably less. I will soon take this down cause a read an earlier forum post. But seriously this got outta hand real too quik@CoolPeach