U r welcome happy 2 help a lower rank user @MindWarehouse
I'll take it@MindWarehouse
American saying I.e. Bull,dragon,time bomb@REW
Nice camo @ArrowDart
No NOT ENOUGH@MrVaultech
Make dat plz@CrazyCodeC
Sorryyyyyy I didn't no hides in corner@SigmaTwelve
Hiiiii I'm new@Squirrel
Lol didn't work 4 me I messed with the bull, got the horns lol@REW
Ima try with mi new heavy weapons configuration flying wing mk 4 @AndrewGarrison
Lol "poked fun" quit poking the fun and the bear @SigmaTwelve
Could someone link me the second plane @MasterManufacturing
First @MasterManufacturing
Upvote 4 comedy value
A fighter jet! JK @Packman126
Ok will try@PancakeAddiction
Thank u soo much for making this DIE aa tanks@REW
@OtterOfToast @KingDeadshot
I have an iPad Air 1 and it almost never lags@DisferGoatz
Thanks 4 upvote@MrSharp
The game does not have countermeasures and the only rockets r unguided@DisferGoatz
Ok msg me if u do mi user is named [WMCS] moonwatcher @DisferGoatz
Sky gamblers storm raiders I have it do u want 2 play server w/ me on it?@DisferGoatz
😾 this is a copy
I used the inlet as a exhaust port @ brields95
Also this an amazing plane@OtterOfToast
Have an upvote @1776868379
Who r they
thank u also what does the parachute use@Mod
GG @arcues
Computer more specifically toshiba satelliteLX835-D3304@Mod
Yope they r very rare@Warbrine
How do you XML mod@Mod
Have an upvote@Warbrine
I get 2 go 2 Alaska (in U.S.) over the summer #myah@Warbrine
I'm not in school yet :-) #sosmug@Warbrine
I'm on computer and iOS @arcues
Can someone make a 2.75 wide 2.75 tall 3 block long version of this plz@arcues
Any that u want just want 2 do a collab@OtterOfToast
Can land on water
Thx for not up voting I don't want 2 b accused of advertising@NativeChief1492
Check out mi account NO UPVOTES@NativeChief1492
:D collab build may b?@OtterOfToast
Hugs 4 all ^(.)^@OtterOfToast
U r welcome happy 2 help a lower rank user @MindWarehouse
I'll take it@MindWarehouse
American saying I.e. Bull,dragon,time bomb@REW
Nice camo @ArrowDart
No NOT ENOUGH@MrVaultech
Make dat plz@CrazyCodeC
Sorryyyyyy I didn't no hides in corner@SigmaTwelve
Hiiiii I'm new@Squirrel
Lol didn't work 4 me I messed with the bull, got the horns lol@REW
Ima try with mi new heavy weapons configuration flying wing mk 4 @AndrewGarrison
Lol "poked fun" quit poking the fun and the bear @SigmaTwelve
Could someone link me the second plane @MasterManufacturing
First @MasterManufacturing
Upvote 4 comedy value
A fighter jet! JK @Packman126
Ok will try@PancakeAddiction
Thank u soo much for making this DIE aa tanks@REW
@OtterOfToast @KingDeadshot
I have an iPad Air 1 and it almost never lags@DisferGoatz
Thanks 4 upvote@MrSharp
The game does not have countermeasures and the only rockets r unguided@DisferGoatz
Ok msg me if u do mi user is named [WMCS] moonwatcher @DisferGoatz
Sky gamblers storm raiders I have it do u want 2 play server w/ me on it?@DisferGoatz
😾 this is a copy
I used the inlet as a exhaust port @ brields95
Also this an amazing plane@OtterOfToast
Have an upvote @1776868379
Who r they
thank u also what does the parachute use@Mod
GG @arcues
Computer more specifically toshiba satelliteLX835-D3304@Mod
Yope they r very rare@Warbrine
How do you XML mod@Mod
Have an upvote@Warbrine
I get 2 go 2 Alaska (in U.S.) over the summer #myah@Warbrine
I'm not in school yet :-) #sosmug@Warbrine
I'm on computer and iOS @arcues
Can someone make a 2.75 wide 2.75 tall 3 block long version of this plz@arcues
Any that u want just want 2 do a collab@OtterOfToast
Can land on water
Thx for not up voting I don't want 2 b accused of advertising@NativeChief1492
Check out mi account NO UPVOTES@NativeChief1492
:D collab build may b?@OtterOfToast
Hugs 4 all ^(.)^@OtterOfToast