@BYardley caution terrain. caution terrain. terrain terrain woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP. OVERSPEED OVERSPEED woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP. OVERSPEED OVERSPEED woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP. OVERSPEED OVERSPEED
@Mousewithamachinegun123 lol thanks
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 bro i just tagged you 💀
@Christiant2 maybe if you create a sub assembly but i would just make something new
and simple
nice build
+1@Hahahahaahahshs :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D
@Hahahahaahahshs rotator blocks?
me fly soon
@GuardianAerospace lol i feel the same way flew your most recent jet good job the roll is a little slow but thats all.
@Monarchii participate if you would like
@Hahahahaahahshs look
@Christiant2 ye just a lot look at a real photo that might help
cool good job also try to make the wings longer
@Zaineman sure thing
@TotallyNotErc thanks it also fly's well
@TotallyNotErc ?
@florky they chill sometimes on the other hand they want blood............
@sempaimemero thanks
@Speedhunter what do you think overall and the 2 photo in the description with the f-4
+1@TotallyNotErc is it a tie
@EnglishGarden you should try to make a challenge
@Thepro77 you description made me crack up lol
when you post the day is 1000% better
+3@IQinventory thanks
+1@Hahahahaahahshs love it
@Hahahahaahahshs ? how you make ?
@Hahahahaahahshs yes
@Hahahahaahahshs ho did you make the custom screenshots
@Hahahahaahahshs and how many left to make
@Hahahahaahahshs how many entries are there so far?
@AndrewGarrison THANKS A LOT :D
+1@Hahahahaahahshs give this man a spotlight
wow i'm impressed 135 parts and good detail 10/10 i will fly soon and give you my feedback
@Christiant2 first ejection seat :D
good work yet again keep it up :O and its part friendly :D
+1@BYardley caution terrain. caution terrain. terrain terrain woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP. OVERSPEED OVERSPEED woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP. OVERSPEED OVERSPEED woop woop PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP. OVERSPEED OVERSPEED
+1@Hahahahaahahshs :D
hello again
+1@Noob101 looks like the real thing 10/10
+1good work
+1@Bestkub555 is it a tie ?
+1@GuardianAerospace says it in the wiki
+1@Randomplayer fly it for your self
@SKLV95 this is worse than the atom bomb
@Hahahahaahahshs SPOTLIGHT pls