Thank you my friends!but I think my work do have some issue ,for example I ignored the scale of the whell parts so that the turning stability was still bad no meter how I adjust ,besides the problem of over -stabilizing in direction of front and back while jumping still exist .Iknow that was the side effects of using gyroscopes ,And till now I have no idea how to fix it @Razor3278
Oh your contry is beautiful and splendid!Although it has some dark history between Cn and Japan,but it was not the fault of People.And I do fascinated by the architecture in your motherland and some of famous architects such like Tadao Ando and Toyo Ito are extremely admirable !!!It was so nice to aquantant you @LeoTanaka2243
It has a way of puting together .Basically use many Fuslage blocks,and adjust them to suitabale length for eatch engine,Then do not link the engines together but with those fuselage blocks,Secondly is to link the fuselage blocks together so that the engines are in the same direction aswell.the last step is to change the length of those fuselage blocks minimumly ,that will make the engines intensified by autering in this way,nolonger separated but linked by blocks.Remenber to let the blocks thin sothat reducing the heaviness.Thanks for trying!May you succeed my friend! @Pieceofpi314
How to make it standing and roll well but not influences the naturally automatical rolling frount and back ?U know my BUCATTI bike has that issue ,is that the matter of adjusting geoscope? Could you give me an advice?Thank you very much!
@LeoTanaka2243 Thanks for trying my work my friend Once I had a modeling attemptation about vihicle design before ,it was quite different from this .The real modelling will meet many uncontrollable problems ,basically with the quality of materials working conditions and energy converting rates,safety....They are complex but fascinating ,and never been simulated even a half in games .But this game can still fulfill some theoretical principles . By the way,where are you from? Sorry but My English is not good ,I’m in China
OMG!That is un believeable work Gorgerous! I have noticed your name ,Are you a pianist ?
+1Thank you my friends!but I think my work do have some issue ,for example I ignored the scale of the whell parts so that the turning stability was still bad no meter how I adjust ,besides the problem of over -stabilizing in direction of front and back while jumping still exist .Iknow that was the side effects of using gyroscopes ,And till now I have no idea how to fix it @Razor3278
Oh your contry is beautiful and splendid!Although it has some dark history between Cn and Japan,but it was not the fault of People.And I do fascinated by the architecture in your motherland and some of famous architects such like Tadao Ando and Toyo Ito are extremely admirable !!!It was so nice to aquantant you @LeoTanaka2243
It has a way of puting together .Basically use many Fuslage blocks,and adjust them to suitabale length for eatch engine,Then do not link the engines together but with those fuselage blocks,Secondly is to link the fuselage blocks together so that the engines are in the same direction aswell.the last step is to change the length of those fuselage blocks minimumly ,that will make the engines intensified by autering in this way,nolonger separated but linked by blocks.Remenber to let the blocks thin sothat reducing the heaviness.Thanks for trying!May you succeed my friend! @Pieceofpi314
How to make it standing and roll well but not influences the naturally automatical rolling frount and back ?U know my BUCATTI bike has that issue ,is that the matter of adjusting geoscope? Could you give me an advice?Thank you very much!
Gogerous !
Thanks @Mumpsy
Thank u my friend!@Awsomur
There is a car in my post you may like it @Kerbango
@LeoTanaka2243 Thanks for trying my work my friend Once I had a modeling attemptation about vihicle design before ,it was quite different from this .The real modelling will meet many uncontrollable problems ,basically with the quality of materials working conditions and energy converting rates,safety....They are complex but fascinating ,and never been simulated even a half in games .But this game can still fulfill some theoretical principles . By the way,where are you from? Sorry but My English is not good ,I’m in China