@Viper28, my only protest with your is the small elevators and the front things. Just increase Elevator size? And umm, make it's front wing things look more like the wings? Otherwise, I thank you greatly
@Spikerya, even with a medium engine it gets problems. I don't think an engine 5x as strong is advisable. Off topic, how is my Oicraftian-ified version?
I will greatly appreciate support from those superior to me in skill. Please do improve it. The nose is heavy and it only tops at alt's above 5km, the landing gear legs are stubs, and it can't carry much payload. But it does one thing good: the take off run.
Well thank you greatly Mr. Rohan, I have learned much from the community. Do note btw, that best speed performance is around 30,000 ft for this aircraft. I will do my best not to let you down, though my planes sort of lack wing integrity...
@Spikerya, what do you think of B & K heavy industries Project 34? Currently it needs taller landing gear as well as weapon loadout. Do not mistake it for the Project 33 which is visually identical, but one has a slight design flaw that involves the wings. Both of them are supposed to be carrier based interceptors
A difficult to fly not well balanced VTOL that has a ridiculous turn rate (less than 100m at like 10 seconds for full turn). P/W Is also decent, I think it was 1040 mph
She is better, and she doesn't have her ridiculous roll rate anymore. Her wings also don't fall off in high G manuevers anymore either. But I was imagining you would turn her into something like X12 or some other master piece of yours
Sorry, my rig, beautiful? I took a sort of play on of one of your planes, stuck as massive pair of engines on it, made nice long 2d wings and did trouble shooting (and well, it had to go faster)@wangxidefei
@vikdesigns, it is my newest plane. Nice people improved it for me
@mattmck, it would be nice if you had given me credit in the description... Anyway, it's okay
But can I get some credit here please? I did make the original lol. But seriously, I want to cash in on the successful upgrade!
Amazing, just amazing
Holy buckets and water! It's AMAZING!
@Viper28, my only protest with your is the small elevators and the front things. Just increase Elevator size? And umm, make it's front wing things look more like the wings? Otherwise, I thank you greatly
Remember Mr. Rohan that I merely improved upon duqiang's airplane. But Thank you greatly
@Spikerya, even with a medium engine it gets problems. I don't think an engine 5x as strong is advisable. Off topic, how is my Oicraftian-ified version?
I will greatly appreciate support from those superior to me in skill. Please do improve it. The nose is heavy and it only tops at alt's above 5km, the landing gear legs are stubs, and it can't carry much payload. But it does one thing good: the take off run.
Well thank you greatly Mr. Rohan, I have learned much from the community. Do note btw, that best speed performance is around 30,000 ft for this aircraft. I will do my best not to let you down, though my planes sort of lack wing integrity...
@Spikerya, what do you think of B & K heavy industries Project 34? Currently it needs taller landing gear as well as weapon loadout. Do not mistake it for the Project 33 which is visually identical, but one has a slight design flaw that involves the wings. Both of them are supposed to be carrier based interceptors
Only problem is the main engines lack of power
@Spikerya , unfortunately. Pretty much every plane of mine lacks the necessary space...
Wow, nice design, I love the landing gear.
Thank you greatly for the wings. If only they too could carry fuel...
Oh Lordy it's good! Just modified cosmetics back to the original. Now if only I could fix it's nose heavy ness...
Sensei, can you fix my Project 33's wings? They keep breaking off at speeds excess of 500 mph during maneuvers@hypnotoad
holy, shmucking cart
O_O so pretty, now if only you had the medium engines...
hmm, maybe the engines are causing problems with the wings. but still, can you fix this plane without adding any more drag?
But fixing it the way it is is hopeless....@karlosdarkness
Thank you very much, though I am making a new version, the idea is to 'fix' it @karlosdarkness
It turns out every single performance issue is related to her engines...
A difficult to fly not well balanced VTOL that has a ridiculous turn rate (less than 100m at like 10 seconds for full turn). P/W Is also decent, I think it was 1040 mph
She is better, and she doesn't have her ridiculous roll rate anymore. Her wings also don't fall off in high G manuevers anymore either. But I was imagining you would turn her into something like X12 or some other master piece of yours
Sorry, my rig, beautiful? I took a sort of play on of one of your planes, stuck as massive pair of engines on it, made nice long 2d wings and did trouble shooting (and well, it had to go faster)@wangxidefei
Sensei, can you please fix up my Type 3J? As I can see you are a pro at this game