@DanishArrasuliZen pake Gyroscope Ag 5
@AnindonesianGuy plis la mobil frendli
@TriStar yes
Potato PC friendly
@BlackThuNDR Lion air biasa aja
Pilih Q400 apa Bae 146
Pilih mana
@BassemT90 wait i will fixed the logo
@Tookan :'(
I like Lion air
@Cereal o iya iya
Klik komen ini
@Cereal lu ngomong ama sape?
@2005 thanks
@AviationToxic saya masi buat MD 90 30
Kapan aplod
@2005 thank
@2005 yes
1 spotlight 21 upvote again
@Malaysia tidak apa apa saya gk bisa bahasa malaysia walau saya nonton upin ipin
@AviationToxic tanya tanya ajadah lu
Akhirnya saya dapat pengganti
@AviationToxic yes
Ini masih pesawat sewaan trigana air dan krunya dari trigana air/the plane still leased from trigana air and the crew from trigana air
@AviationToxic hmmmmmm
Tayang perdana
I will build that livery
Hehehehehehehe i don't know how
Bisa Buat Q400 gk pake interior ama cockpit
@AviationToxic ketinggian harus diatas 10,000 kaki
@BassemT90 the name very hard
Lot flight 007 gk ada?
@AviationToxic tambah 1 upvote lu udah 400 point
2 2 nya udah
@AviationToxic udah
@asteroidbook345 that hard
Fine air 101
Cepat kali ya kau aplod
@WarHawk95 hmmmm
@AviationToxic ok
@2005 what livery old, vintage, landor
@jokopuryono iya
@AviationToxic Yes that right
@AviationToxic wrong its tu144
@DanishArrasuliZen pake Gyroscope
Ag 5
@AnindonesianGuy plis la mobil frendli
@TriStar yes
Potato PC friendly
@BlackThuNDR Lion air biasa aja
Pilih Q400 apa Bae 146
Pilih mana
@BassemT90 wait i will fixed the logo
+1@Tookan :'(
+1I like Lion air
@Cereal o iya iya
Klik komen ini
+1@Cereal lu ngomong ama sape?
@2005 thanks
@AviationToxic saya masi buat MD 90 30
Kapan aplod
@2005 thank
@2005 yes
1 spotlight 21 upvote again
@Malaysia tidak apa apa saya gk bisa bahasa malaysia walau saya nonton upin ipin
@AviationToxic tanya tanya ajadah lu
Akhirnya saya dapat pengganti
@AviationToxic yes
Ini masih pesawat sewaan trigana air dan krunya dari trigana air/the plane still leased from trigana air and the crew from trigana air
@AviationToxic hmmmmmm
Tayang perdana
+3I will build that livery
Hehehehehehehe i don't know how
Bisa Buat Q400 gk pake interior ama cockpit
@AviationToxic ketinggian harus diatas 10,000 kaki
@BassemT90 the name very hard
+1Lot flight 007 gk ada?
@AviationToxic tambah 1 upvote lu udah 400 point
2 2 nya udah
@AviationToxic udah
@asteroidbook345 that hard
Fine air 101
Cepat kali ya kau aplod
+2@WarHawk95 hmmmm
@AviationToxic ok
@2005 what livery old, vintage, landor
@jokopuryono iya
@AviationToxic yes
@AviationToxic Yes that right
@AviationToxic wrong its tu144