It brings with it a reputation. A Silver, by nature, is likely to get a tad more respect than a Bronze (other personal attributes notwithstanding). Or, at least, that is how I see it.
Unfortunately, you then have accounts like, say (with absolutely no bias whatsoever), Graingy. They’re only Platinum because they’re loud.
@32 Yes, but going through the list is daunting considering that many shaders only look good with extremely specific settings.
Multiplying the number of combinations total would likely require scientific notation to display.
How do you suggesting picking out shaders? There are countless of them, many seemingly redundant/overlapping in purpose, and with incredible numbers of combinations of settings. Even getting a single one to work can be virtually impossible, let alone multiple in conjunction.
Or this a problem literally only I have?
@crazyplaness Yeah, saw so.
Still, enough is different to make the process very unpleasant and uncertain. Also, it seemed some filters just didn't download?
@crazyplaness Tech tutorials are some of the most annoying things in existence.
They either don't match what you see, or they just don't work.
That is, IF you can even find one.
@126 What drama?
Good luck with those mechanics.
Where did you find this animal?
@Guywhobuildsstuff can you put up a sign or something?
Fiendish, truly.
I play mostly on Windows nowadays.
The what?
+1Still incomprehensible.
@TheOfficalMarylander The Terrible Case of the Flowing Skin!
In theatres June 25th 1958
Tell me about it.
+1My cinematography was overtaken by an unedited clip of a jet fighter with a pixelized filter on it.
+1Now say that again in Earthling.
@TheGliderGuy Please do not let them pass you.
At least four
It brings with it a reputation. A Silver, by nature, is likely to get a tad more respect than a Bronze (other personal attributes notwithstanding). Or, at least, that is how I see it.
Unfortunately, you then have accounts like, say (with absolutely no bias whatsoever), Graingy. They’re only Platinum because they’re loud.
Join the MWBS
@Marulk Why?
+1Is mayonnaise an instrument?
+3What is going on in that profile picture-
@126 What?
That… is actually pretty funny.
Wow, this is terrible.
You mean with range graduations?
@126 Do you think this is some sort of chat room?
@32 I’ve gotten nothing.
@Graingy oh, shut it.
@Guywhobuildsstuff That’s not great.
I checked their account and found nothing, unfortunately. Is it an older post?
@32 Yes, but going through the list is daunting considering that many shaders only look good with extremely specific settings.
Multiplying the number of combinations total would likely require scientific notation to display.
@Guywhobuildsstuff You're still feeding him, right?
@Graingy It's a coastal steamer. How would it do in a gale?
@Guywhobuildsstuff It's the dog, isn't it?
How do you suggesting picking out shaders? There are countless of them, many seemingly redundant/overlapping in purpose, and with incredible numbers of combinations of settings. Even getting a single one to work can be virtually impossible, let alone multiple in conjunction.
Or this a problem literally only I have?
@32 I'll have to give that a read. Thanks.
@Graingy And its maintenance during that?
I am not getting in that thing.
+1@crazyplaness Perhaps. I cannot remember what was available.
@Guywhobuildsstuff A rouge unit? Or have you been performing recon without informing me?
@Graingy And how old is the Morrayge, again?
Despite that, I am now going to do something you could never do: Go eat ice cream.
I will admit, I'm a little impressed by the landing.
@crazyplaness Yeah, saw so.
Still, enough is different to make the process very unpleasant and uncertain. Also, it seemed some filters just didn't download?
@Graingy Copycat.
@Graingy Ask whoever took the picture.
@crazyplaness lol
@crazyplaness Tech tutorials are some of the most annoying things in existence.
They either don't match what you see, or they just don't work.
That is, IF you can even find one.
Okay, I figure that's enough.
The Reshade tutorial needs replacing, it is horrifically outdated.
The new problem, ignoring the previous issues, Step 8 looks completely different, lacking every and all options that the tutorial shows.
Step 7 and I already have found a significant block. The required tab does not exist.
And nobody checks this.