@Guywhobuildsstuff You wouldn't have happened to have caught who took this photo, would you?
We picked it off the airwaves, but its sender and destination are unclear.
It could perhaps benefit from moving the leading edge of the main wing forward to increase forward and overall lift.
Also, something to make the Trim control show up without needing a keyboard.
Conversion for naval use seems unlikely.
Painfully loud. Looks good, though hard to lift off and tends to veer on the runway. Nose-heavy.
Could have potential regardless.
Perhaps worth looking into conversion for seaborne operation?
Unfortunately due to technical issues with verification I am stuck with this horrible, horrible auto-generated thumbnail. Just a few seconds earlier it'd be fine but noooo that'd be too convenient. Instead I get this garbage.
@Guywhobuildsstuff I'll give it a look later.
Working on something at the moment.
Also, I believe it was determined that old usernames don't work in tags. If you want Grain to see this then you'll have to tag the Graingy account by its current name.
@TheCommentaryGuy @VeroViper I counted the first five pages of the highest ranking users.
While I may have overlooked some, my eyesight isn't infallible and some categorize things differently, I believe I counted around 22 users whose profile pictures I'd classify as "anime".
That is a minority without doubt.
@VeroViper No, you're the one getting riled up here.
I am in no way trying to be combative or argumentative here. I have done no deep research or tallying on this, but am not clinging to an argument. I do not care what the statistics are for profile pictures (so long as they're, y'know, tasteful).
I am not trying to incite "drama". You have greatly misinterpreted my words and gotten incredibly defensive over absolutely jack. Personally I do not notice many anime profile pictures. Maybe that's just me!
What I'm saying is that perhaps you tend to notice those profiles pictures more, similarly to how I don't.
You ever seen that picture of the bomber? This one?
That's not the exact kind of bias I'm getting at, but it's the sense of the word. It is not an attack on your "moral fiber" or what have you, it's a simple suggestion that maybe, just maybe, it's possible that you have made the unconscious mistake of only noticing some things while forgetting others.
You know, something humans, flawed and stupid apes, tend to do?
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I have the bias here. Maybe I've totally failed to pay attention to the users around me.
But do not accuse me of trying to start a "drama sh_tshow" because you can't accept a polite suggestion of a natural human slip-up.
Second of all, personally I couldn’t tell you, though I reckon it probably depends on what you’re scoring the aircraft by. In its heyday it was revolutionary for its incredible size. Nowadays, I couldn’t say. It’s a large aircraft still, but a rather old core design. Sure, the 737 is older (iirc), but the 747 has the 777 to more directly replace it. How the two compare from a technical and economic standpoint, I also could not say.
Sunfish seen in motion here.
New teaser for the Sunfish
@Guywhobuildsstuff You wouldn't have happened to have caught who took this photo, would you?
We picked it off the airwaves, but its sender and destination are unclear.
A rare case where we agree.
+1The notification can be turned off, at least in Windows 11, fortunately. I recently did.
@Kerbango INDEED WE DID!
+1@Guywhobuildsstuff What?
It could perhaps benefit from moving the leading edge of the main wing forward to increase forward and overall lift.
Also, something to make the Trim control show up without needing a keyboard.
Conversion for naval use seems unlikely.
Painfully loud. Looks good, though hard to lift off and tends to veer on the runway. Nose-heavy.
Could have potential regardless.
Perhaps worth looking into conversion for seaborne operation?
Unfortunately due to technical issues with verification I am stuck with this horrible, horrible auto-generated thumbnail. Just a few seconds earlier it'd be fine but noooo that'd be too convenient. Instead I get this garbage.
@Guywhobuildsstuff Good News: It's moving.
@Guywhobuildsstuff I'll give it a look later.
Working on something at the moment.
Also, I believe it was determined that old usernames don't work in tags. If you want Grain to see this then you'll have to tag the Graingy account by its current name.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 No thank you.
Looks like a snow man
@VeroViper Apology accepted, I guess.
@Graingy You must be happy with yourself.
Not the rock below me.
+1What the heck
What does this mean?
@TheCommentaryGuy @VeroViper I counted the first five pages of the highest ranking users.
While I may have overlooked some, my eyesight isn't infallible and some categorize things differently, I believe I counted around 22 users whose profile pictures I'd classify as "anime".
That is a minority without doubt.
@VeroViper No, you're the one getting riled up here.
I am in no way trying to be combative or argumentative here. I have done no deep research or tallying on this, but am not clinging to an argument. I do not care what the statistics are for profile pictures (so long as they're, y'know, tasteful).
I am not trying to incite "drama". You have greatly misinterpreted my words and gotten incredibly defensive over absolutely jack.
Personally I do not notice many anime profile pictures. Maybe that's just me!
What I'm saying is that perhaps you tend to notice those profiles pictures more, similarly to how I don't.
You ever seen that picture of the bomber? This one?
That's not the exact kind of bias I'm getting at, but it's the sense of the word. It is not an attack on your "moral fiber" or what have you, it's a simple suggestion that maybe, just maybe, it's possible that you have made the unconscious mistake of only noticing some things while forgetting others.
You know, something humans, flawed and stupid apes, tend to do?
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I have the bias here. Maybe I've totally failed to pay attention to the users around me.
But do not accuse me of trying to start a "drama sh_tshow" because you can't accept a polite suggestion of a natural human slip-up.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I'll pass.
That sounds hazardous.
You sound like Cave Johnson.
@Guywhobuildsstuff What.
@Graingy No.
You should be.
You can thank the Enstrarchs for that.
@Randomplayer But I am!
Wasn't that model condemned over safety concerns?
@crazyplaness I'll be completely honest, this made me laugh.
@Guywhobuildsstuff There's only one, though?
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 A boring, repetitive one. At least tell it with some grace or creativity. Perhaps a sense of irony, even.
No, thank you.
@VeroViper There could be a memory bias at play, perhaps?
Also, I believe they were making a Top Gear reference.
@VeroViper Majority? That seems a bit of a claim, no? Granted, there’s hardly statistics to pull up for that.
First of all, *too
Second of all, personally I couldn’t tell you, though I reckon it probably depends on what you’re scoring the aircraft by. In its heyday it was revolutionary for its incredible size. Nowadays, I couldn’t say. It’s a large aircraft still, but a rather old core design. Sure, the 737 is older (iirc), but the 747 has the 777 to more directly replace it. How the two compare from a technical and economic standpoint, I also could not say.
+2This… this sounds like War Thunder.
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 No, you didn’t. Stop, or I’m blocking. You’re obnoxious.
Funny colour scheme.
I don't believe I've seen this. Do you have any examples?
Is it the 2D art, or what it depicts?
@Guywhobuildsstuff This is your project now.
Something’s wrong, I can feel it.
@GuardianAerospace Help is available
What did you do?