@Talon7192 Then ensure that absolutely nothing on that computer is tied to anything of yours. I’m not expert on computer similarity, but I’d keep bank info/personal emails/main accounts/etc. off that thing.
The older those old systems get the more and more outdated their security is, the more vulnerable they are to cyberattack.
Personally, I’d isolate that thing as much as possible. Alts for everything (different Steam account, for example), just to be safe.
@SamTheUncle Don’t bomb the equipment, bomb the Eel Protectorate. Unless the crane is being used by the Eel Protectorate, that is. In that case, please do blow it up.
Other tricks for posting include:
-Custom thumbnails.
Import image to designer using using the blueprints feature, found under the view control button in the designer, and screenshot it when uploading. Be sure to only right mouse/whatever mobile users do to not disrupt the slim orthographic angle at which the picture is visible. That does not apply if you have multiple images in different view angles, but lining it up is difficult as it technically wasn’t intended as far as I know. Only do with with in-game screenshots, edited or not. Do not abuse this with misleading pictures/spam/rule-breaking content.
-Description editing
Formatting options are limited in-game. Edit after posting using the drop-down at the top of the posted craft’s description to unlock further possibilities (like paragraph breaks or being to actually see large amounts of text without it shrinking endlessly).
Should be an “edit tags” (or similar) button after uploading. I don’t know how many people actually search these, but it’s there. Some people use this feature for jokes instead (like tagging a toilet as “heavy bomber”).
-Multiple screenshots
I’ve heard only mobile users can do this, so I don’t know how it works, but apparently it’s a thing.
-Pictures in descriptions
You need to be a Bronze for this, but doing a markdown image link (  ) allows you to put images in descriptions. I think it has to start a line, so description editing is non-optional. Can be a bit of a hassle, but can still be worth it for high-effort creations you really want to show off.
What a shame.
@Guywhobuildsstuff we need another source for heavy equipment.
@Talon7192 Then ensure that absolutely nothing on that computer is tied to anything of yours. I’m not expert on computer similarity, but I’d keep bank info/personal emails/main accounts/etc. off that thing.
The older those old systems get the more and more outdated their security is, the more vulnerable they are to cyberattack.
Personally, I’d isolate that thing as much as possible. Alts for everything (different Steam account, for example), just to be safe.
You might want to get that checked out. It didn’t break skin, did it?
That’s rough
@jamesPLANESii You’re not as funny as you think!
Am I eligible for ordering?
@SamTheUncle Don’t bomb the equipment, bomb the Eel Protectorate. Unless the crane is being used by the Eel Protectorate, that is. In that case, please do blow it up.
Do not use old operating systems, they are not secure.
+1This looks like the Earth I drew in grade 1, not gonna lie.
+1@DatFiat126Fan19 Yeah, I’ve never once heard of something like that.
@DatFiat126Fan19 I have never heard of steel spare wheels.
Do you mean a solid steel wheel? Like used in roadwheels on some WWII tanks, for example?
@LunarEclipseSP So the developers were incompetent.
+1Got it.
@DatFiat126Fan19 What world are you living in?
Not sure, but the Mod hates it when people talk about it.
+1The contrast of obviously modern cars and an M4 Sherman is a tad strange.
+2What a pity
+1@ShinyGemsBro Sounds to me like an excellent hiding spot.
+1Honestly I’d ask @Graingy. They were friends with Monarchii as far as I could tell.
What is that
I wasn't aware scaling an entire craft did that?
As RandomPlayer said.
Other tricks for posting include:
-Custom thumbnails.
Import image to designer using using the blueprints feature, found under the view control button in the designer, and screenshot it when uploading. Be sure to only right mouse/whatever mobile users do to not disrupt the slim orthographic angle at which the picture is visible. That does not apply if you have multiple images in different view angles, but lining it up is difficult as it technically wasn’t intended as far as I know. Only do with with in-game screenshots, edited or not. Do not abuse this with misleading pictures/spam/rule-breaking content.
-Description editing
Formatting options are limited in-game. Edit after posting using the drop-down at the top of the posted craft’s description to unlock further possibilities (like paragraph breaks or being to actually see large amounts of text without it shrinking endlessly).
Should be an “edit tags” (or similar) button after uploading. I don’t know how many people actually search these, but it’s there. Some people use this feature for jokes instead (like tagging a toilet as “heavy bomber”).
-Multiple screenshots
I’ve heard only mobile users can do this, so I don’t know how it works, but apparently it’s a thing.
-Pictures in descriptions
You need to be a Bronze for this, but doing a markdown image link (  ) allows you to put images in descriptions. I think it has to start a line, so description editing is non-optional. Can be a bit of a hassle, but can still be worth it for high-effort creations you really want to show off.
Mental stability.
@ShinyGemsBro I’d argue there can be a place for trashposts, but there actually has to be some sort of joke for that to apply.
+2Of course I do!
@WNP78 The gods have spoken!
+1Good point.
It does every single part at once, you just need to uncheck a box. It can even scale mass and engine power, though not drag.
Measuring tape, maybe?
@StockPlanesRemastered I don’t really see how that’d apply? This is about the game’s mechanics, which clearly have realized issues.
Do you ever stop talking?
You could at least condense those pinned into one.
How does someone mess up that bad?
Use Fine Tuner to rescale the whole thing, maybe?
+1@Guywhobuildsstuff Seems it don’t work.
@ComradeSandman Were you tagged?
But why not?
Did you take the photo.
+1@Yish42 How so?
+1And ignore Grain, they're a hypocrite.
Has Grain been active since you posted this?
And that project is?
I meant relative to the runway
Is this an original work?
+1Those look vastly larger than 127 and 203.
You lied to me.
+1Dude actually what
I am both flattered and insulted.
How about free?