@Mousewithamachinegun123 when I was in charge the highest upvotes I ever netted was four, and it was hella impersonal.
Had a back-and-forth at one point with another (long gone, I'm sure) user with successors. That was the closest to a friendship I can possibly remember. It went, like, 3 times.
Full-on friendships must mean either the site's culture has changed massively, or reaching higher ranks comes with enormous social benefits.
An April 2018 GAO report said the total cost of the three Zumwalt destroyers, including research and development, was $24.5 billion—an average of about $8 billion per ship.
You got that hilariously off.
That being said, I can see why it was cancelled. $8 billion per ship? Yikes.
@FlyOnTheWall In all my years of play nothing has lead me to believe that. Water isn't solid, no matter how hard you hit it. It's more a form of extreme drag.
On that note, I'm not sure if water can do damage to flexible parts.
How long have you played for?
@Graingy I will.
+1Thank you.
@Graingy So be it.
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 when I was in charge the highest upvotes I ever netted was four, and it was hella impersonal.
+1Had a back-and-forth at one point with another (long gone, I'm sure) user with successors. That was the closest to a friendship I can possibly remember. It went, like, 3 times.
Full-on friendships must mean either the site's culture has changed massively, or reaching higher ranks comes with enormous social benefits.
Good advice.
@Graingy oooh look I joined your little parade.
@Graingy Can't, in the woods.
@Graingy No, you really didn't.
@TheMouse Could you not have at least considered amputation?
@FlyOnTheWall I see. Good luck in your endeavours.
I was also away for a long while. At least I'm better than when I left.
Ah good, my Gravatar updated.
You got that hilariously off.
That being said, I can see why it was cancelled. $8 billion per ship? Yikes.
The barbarians are at the gates and we have a trebuchet
Though ComradeSandman is right. That is obscenely expensive. How big is it?
What is the first one?
Evidently not
@Graingy Wow, thanks.
@Graingy I think I’m rescinding my offer to purchase. For the time being.
@Graingy I see your point.
@Graingy Amen.
@Graingy I knew it.
@Graingy Old enough to have been employed in marketing at Graingy seven years ago.
@Graingy You’re right, but you didn’t have to put it like that.
It all makes sense now.
@KPLBall I was terrible at it.
@Graingy Amazing how little people understand the things they do regularly.
That looks very unhealthy.
Very smooth.
I have a prediction.
Hey, @Graingy. Do you want to eat this aircraft?
In hindsight, I see why I lost my position.
@FlyOnTheWall In all my years of play nothing has lead me to believe that. Water isn't solid, no matter how hard you hit it. It's more a form of extreme drag.
On that note, I'm not sure if water can do damage to flexible parts.
How long have you played for?
Do it again.
@TheMouse Text to speech?
@ComradeSandman Well shucks.
Have any more of these?
@Graingy Wouldn't you like to know.
@Graingy Wow, really appreciate it.
@GuyWhoBuildStuff Good to hear.
… Can I have a slice?
@Graingy I wish I did.
May I humbly request of you to surrender that knowledge?
@L1nus I see you’ve changed and added some pictures.
So those cockpits can switch in-flight, is what you’re saying?
@KPLBall I’m independent now.
@GuyWhoBuildStuff I don’t follow?
@Graingy Rare we agree on something, isn’t it?
@Graingy You are quite unpleasant.
Turning over my account to my employer.
How does it work?
@Boeing727200F *Universe.
Alternatively, Yooneevers.
Traced from the silhouette view.
You know, there's nothing stopping you from dumping a pile of unlisteds in a forum if you never think you'll upload it properly.
Which build?