0 = Paper
30 = Upvote craft (hyperlinks?)
100 = Bronze, + image imbed
1000 = Silver + upload XML edit (allegedly, never done it myself)
5000 = Gold
25000 = Platinum
Mod = Moderators
Dev (Blue) = Active Developers
Dev (Black) = Former Developers (i.e. left or fired from Jundroo)
Green (defunct) = VR Curators (No longer exists, now done by Devs)
@ThatKindaWeeb Just saying.
Maybe not intentionally, but it's important to be aware that this kind of stuff does have consequences. I'm not like the French, but still, some definitions are important to not change too greatly.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover You can't lose a track to a land mine on most airplanes because most airplanes don't have tracks.
You seem to have "fixed" that.
Good job, hoser.
@TheMouse Terrible idea, we have AA.
+10 = Paper
30 = Upvote craft (hyperlinks?)
100 = Bronze, + image imbed
1000 = Silver + upload XML edit (allegedly, never done it myself)
5000 = Gold
25000 = Platinum
Mod = Moderators
+1Dev (Blue) = Active Developers
Dev (Black) = Former Developers (i.e. left or fired from Jundroo)
Green (defunct) = VR Curators (No longer exists, now done by Devs)
What a pity.
+1I do not like this image
+1Its smug aura mocks me
They look reasonable.
+1@AirCanadaA330 I'm a bit busy, I'm afraid.
+1@DELTAa330 What do you want?
Just no.
Well, still Canada. Technically.
+1That is a most interesting shape.
+1Dang, it even looks good grey!
+1@TalonTheCRTguy ? We've been active at the exact same time before.
+1"dont make fun of it mom calls me fat boy"
+1I sound like a car that won't start right now
@Guywhobuildsstuff worth a consideration, eh?
+1mmmm no
+1@Majakalona Stop that. It's not funny, it's annoying.
+1@Majakalona Stop.
+1That's big.
+1@Majakalona What do you want?
+1@TheMouse I need you to hit Grain.
+1@Majakalona You are not going to believe this.
+1@TheMouse What do you mean?
+1@ComradeSandman Shut
+1@TheMouse It's Grain, isn't it?
+1@TheMouse Both.
+1Oh, wait, now I know who ComradeSandman is.
@SimpleStupid Calm down.
+1They are.
+1This is actually pretty funny
+1@L1nus Well THAT is incriminating.
@L1nus "banned shinygems first for reporting such an issue"
+1I'm sorry What?
A Lenin Roll?
The first one is good, however.
@TheMouse Never could've guessed.
+1I mean HOW it does that. Refresh rate? Other kinds of calculations? It's unclear.
Go on.
+1Eat it.
+1@Majakalona What?
+1@ThatKindaWeeb Just saying.
+1Maybe not intentionally, but it's important to be aware that this kind of stuff does have consequences. I'm not like the French, but still, some definitions are important to not change too greatly.
Tall MiG-29
+1@TheMouse Well, do tell me if you find any companies or organizations well-suited to the production of variable-pitch bronze marine ship propellers.
+1@TheMouse Those propellers look horrendously inefficient.
+1I'm hoping to secure a supply link for models much alike what the Fillets already use.
@Majakalona I would place doubts in the quality of anything sourced from places such as that.
+1@Majakalona Not the case, I'm afraid.
+1@Majakalona What do you want.
+1Modern geopolitics are quite something.
+1@TheUltimatePlaneLover You can't lose a track to a land mine on most airplanes because most airplanes don't have tracks.
+1You seem to have "fixed" that.
Good job, hoser.
@Majakalona What?
+1@TemporaryReplacement Raaah.